Narrow River Preservation Association
Saturday, September 28, 2024
NRPA: Working since 1970 to preserve, protect, and restore Narrow River and its watershed.
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Garrison House Acres Guided Walk

Date: Saturday, September 27, 2014
Time: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: Middlebridge Education and Activity Center, 95 Middlebridge Road, Narrangansett

Please join Narrow River Land Trust and NRPA for a guided walk to Garrison House Acres, a beautiful 26-acre coastal property nestled along the Narrow River in South Kingstown. The one-mile walk will follow a loop trail through deciduous woodlands, freshwater marshes, open fields and along salt marsh fringing the Narrow River. This property has been managed by the Narrow River Land Trust since 1990 and is of particular ecological interest because of its variety of habitats and because it abuts other conserved lands including the 554 acre John H. Chafee National Wildlife Refuge at Pettaquamscutt Cove (managed by US Fish & Wildlife) and land conserved by the Audubon Society. Together these conservation properties form a contiguous band of wildlife habitat along Pettaquamscutt Cove and the lower Narrow River.

This walk is part of the Land Trusts Days, a calendar of more 60 events presented by member councils of the Rhode Island Land Trust Council. It is also the fourth in a series of educational events at the Middlebridge Education and Activity Center sponsored by Narrow River Land Trust and Narrow River Preservation Association.

We will meet at the Middlebridge Center at 95 Middlebridge Road in Narragansett, and then cross the bridge to the Garrison House Acres Trail in South Kingstown and begin our walk. This walk will offer opportunities to view wildlife, especially waterfowl, and coastal plants (the salt marsh mallow may be in bloom!). This is an easy one-mile walk; however, the trail is not handicap accessible. Please wear shoes and long pants appropriate for a walk in the woods. In addition to the guided walk, there are opportunities for kayaking nearby.

The Garrison House Acres Guided Walk is free and open to the public. We encourage you to register in advance by clicking the following link:


About the Middlebridge Education and Activity Center

The Middlebridge Education and Activity Center is located at 95 Middlebridge Road in Narragansett, the former Eddy property recently purchased by the Narragansett Land Conservancy Trust for open space and recreation. The center is a joint effort of the Narrow River Preservation Association and Narrow River Land Trust, in cooperation with the Town of Narragansett Department of Parks and Recreation. NRPA and the Narrow Liver Land Trust share common interests to preserve, protect, and restore the environment and the quality of life for all communities within the Narrow River Estuary and Watershed. As stewards of the watershed, education has always been a primary focus. With the recent acquisition of the Middlebridge Property by the Narragansett Land Conservancy Trust, we foresee a tremendous opportunity for the property to serve as a center for educational programs and family activities to increase awareness of the unique cultural and natural history as well as the challenges facing the Watershed.


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NRPA is a member of the R.I. Rivers Council and has served as the Designated Watershed Council for Narrow River since 2002.


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