Emanuel United Methodist Church
Wednesday, May 08, 2024
Living The Life That Makes God Real!




Worship Leader: Paula Livingston

1. Role at Emanuel?
I am congregational song leader and choir director. I feel our worship in the traditional worship service is greatly enhanced by spiritual singing. Everyone seems to enjoy “going back to our roots” and singing the old favorites. Spiritual direction in song selection and choir and group specials is crucial in the flow of our service.

2. Started on staff when?

March 2010.

3. What else you have done and are doing?  
I have just retired from the church secretary and financial secretary positions for Lakeside UMC. I previously led the congregational singing and directed choirs for Emanuel UMC and Waverly UMC and have served on various committees with both. I have been a member at Emanuel for over 20 years, and am also a soloist and fill-in pianist.

4. Family?
Sonny, my husband and I have 5 girls, 16 grandchildren, and 7 great grandchildren (I feel OLD just saying that!) One of our daughters is principal at Sterling Elementary and one is a teacher at Satilla Marsh Elementary. We enjoy our rural farm life and raising cattle, our children and grandchildren. Our church family and close friends are the greatest assets in our lives. 

5. Favorite book of the Bible?

6. Favorite movie?
“Gone with the Wind”
7. For fun?
I enjoy relaxing at the cabin, singing, bowling, entertaining close friends, activities with my Red Hat Ladies, laughing and living life to its fullest.