Emanuel United Methodist Church
Thursday, May 02, 2024
Living The Life That Makes God Real!




Saturday Servants putting their hands and feet into action in the local community


Would you be interested in helping those in need?

Do you need help or know someone who does?

This group of Christian men, women, and youth join together when a need is presented to the church. Historically, we have met on the Second Saturday morning of each month to go out into our community to do good works for those in need. We presently plan to meet on Saturdays "as needed" throughout the month as we know of needs in the Brunswick community or within the congregation.

We do God's work by serving the elderly, widows, single parents, military families, and persons with disabilities that need a helping hand. The recipients of our good works do not have to be Christians. They just need to ask for help. Volunteers may also be asked to work on small projects at Emanuel. We've built handicap ramps, made minor carpentry and plumbing repairs in homes, yard work and other things that help people in their time of need. 

When we meet, everyone gathers in the Emanuel Fellowship Hall or the church Parking Lot before we begin our assigned work at designated work sites or at Emanuel.

When: Various Saturdays during the month (but only as needed)

Time: 7:30 AM - 12:00 Noon

Our Goal: To help others in the community while growing in Christ together through yard work, minor home repairs, painting, etc.

Your help is always welcome and needed. Team assignments are generally made to match the volunteer’s work expertise or special talents. You may be paired with another volunteer, if needed.


Complete this section to be a volunteer to help the Saturday Servants

Phone Number:
Complete this section to request help from the Saturday Servants
Phone Number:
Type of service requested (please explain in detail):