First United Methodist Church
Saturday, May 04, 2024
Know - Grow - Serve - Share

Local Mission Programs



If you would like to help with any of the following Mission Programs,
please email 
Randy Goodman or call him at 824-8725, ext. 1033.

Campus for Human Development
Multi-denominational Nashville mission to help homeless persons with winter shelter, showers, job counseling, food stamps, clothing, basic education, and alcohol and drug treatment. The Room in the Inn program is through the Campus for Human Development.

Community Childcare

Childcare for ages 6 weeks to 5 years. Children are from homes with working parents with limited income. Special services are offered for handicapped children.

Fort Campbell Outreach         
Outreach to the families of Ft. Campbell. 1) Holiday House for needy soldiers’ families. 2) Taking children’s clothing & other household items to their base Y family program.
Golden Cross
Offering to help residents of McKendree Village home for the elderly in Hermitage, TN whose resources have been depleted.

Salvus Center
Local medical ministry that provides for the working poor. 

Home Bound Meals Program
Hendersonville program using volunteers for home delivery of hot meals that provides outreach to shut-ins in the 60 and older population or for the physically impaired.
Battered women and children’s shelter in Gallatin that offers help in safety, counseling, mentoring and health issues.
Hospital Hospitality House
“Home away from home" for out-of-town families and patients who have to travel to Nashville for medical treatment.
Miriam’s Promise
Pregnancy, parenting, and adoption services. Part of Holston Homes.
Room In The Inn
Working through the Campus for Human Development in Nashville, HFUMC offers safe shelter, three meals, and fellowship to12-14 homeless men at our church on winter Sunday nights. The evening’s hosts are usually various Sunday school classes and church groups.

Hendersonville Samaritan Center
Interdenominational agency that provides assistance to the poor in Hendersonville.  They have a food bank, job services and social workers to help people get through "the system."
Sixty-First Avenue UMC
Small Methodist congregation in Nashville made up of poor and/or homeless people. We offer some salary support and help in supplies for their ongoing children’s ministry, homeless outreach & congregational fellowship dinners. We also provide a meal for the Saturday worship congregations about four times per year.
Children Are People
After-school program that provides tutoring to underprivileged children.  Several of our members serve on their board & volunteer.
Ronald McDonald House
Our congregation collects drink tabs and these are taken to Ronald McDonald House.  These are used to help keep their facilities running.

Community Cares
A day-time facility that provides meals, showers and laundry assistance for homeless people.