New Providence Presbyterian Church - Maryville, TN
Saturday, September 28, 2024
New Providence
Presbyterian Church
703 West Broadway Avenue
Maryville, TN 37801
Worship Services @ NPPC
9:00 a.m. FirstLight
11:05 a.m. Traditional
Community Benefit Sale
August 23
September 27
October 25
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December 6
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February 28
March 27
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June 26
Antiques and Collectibles Sale
September 27
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Church in the World Ministry Team

New Providence Presbyterian Church exists in time and space, in a community within a state within a nation within a world…all made by God.  This existence requires that New Providence be “in” the world as a witness to the good news for the world.
The Church in the World (CITW) team seeks to SERVE God’s world in love, justice and peace by promoting and enabling mission participation for members of New Providence. Service opportunities are available in local, regional, national and global communities. 
CITW is structured with the following four subteams (click on the underlined text to read more about these areas):
  • Social Justice and Peacemaking: This subteam provides civil discussion forums on topics of interest to the church.  The team also raises awareness of peacemaking opportunities.
  • Regional Missions:  Opportunities for assistance present themselves to our congregation at various times that concern the region in which we live.
  • Global Missions: This sub-team works to support programs and charities in communities beyond our national borders.
  • Community Outreach: This sub-team works to support programs and charities in the Maryville and surrounding counties with time, talent and money.
 CITW welcomes all who have a heart to assist others in our community, region, country or throughout the world. If you you have time, talent or opportunity to help please contact the church office at 865- 983-0182 or e-mail