New Providence Presbyterian Church - Maryville, TN
Saturday, September 28, 2024
New Providence
Presbyterian Church
703 West Broadway Avenue
Maryville, TN 37801
Worship Services @ NPPC
9:00 a.m. FirstLight
11:05 a.m. Traditional
Community Benefit Sale
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Using Our Facilities

Planning a Funeral?
Planning a Wedding?


Approved by Session October 15, 2013 The Facility Use Policy is set forth in the Facility Use Contract beginning on the following page. The Information Coordinator or designee is authorized to execute the Facility Use Contract on behalf of the New Providence Presbyterian Church.
This document, including the Facility Use Request Form and Facility Technician Checklist appended hereto, will constitute a contract when executed by the requester and an authorized representative of New Providence Presbyterian Church.
The Church exists for the glory of God and for service to humankind. As a part of our effort to reach out to our members and to the larger community in Christian love, our facilities are available to both members and non-members for worship, teaching, and witnessing to the Gospel and for activities that are in keeping with the mission of the church.
  • Scheduling use of the facilities for both church members and outside organizations must be handled through the Information Coordinator or designee (983-0182)
  • Requests will be considered based on the following priorities:
  1. Regularly scheduled meetings connected with NPPC
  2. All other functions of NPPC, not regularly scheduled
  3. Activities and functions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
  4. All inter-denominational church meetings
  5. All church related groups
  6. Outside groups (with approval by the Information Coordinator or designee)
  • Guidelines for weddings, kitchen and Sanctuary use are covered in individual policies. For Westminster Hall kitchen use, the Kitchen Policy & Procedure portion of the Policy Resource Manual shall be appended to and become a part of this contract.
  • The requester must complete the Facility Use Request Form, which is appended to this contract and made a part hereof.
  • New Providence Presbyterian Church retains the right to cancel any scheduled facility use if those facilities are deemed necessary for the church to carry out its pastoral ministry.
  • The buildings or grounds shall not be used for political purposes or profit making. Not-for-profit fundraising activities may be allowed at the discretion of the Session. For-profit organizations are authorized to participate in the Alternative Christmas Fair and shall be treated equally with all other organizations participating in the Fair.
  • Consumption, use or possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs is not permitted on the premises.
  • New Providence Presbyterian Church is a smoke free facility. Smoking and all use of tobacco products is prohibited in all buildings, including the Pavilion, and on all grounds with the following exceptions: (a) outside the middle exit on the southwest side of the buildings (also known as the atrium exit or “the well”), (b) in paved area near the mail box north of the Eastminster Hall exit, or, in inclement weather, in the covered area nearby, (c) on the sidewalk on west side of Westminster Hall between Westminster Hall and the Pavilion. Cigarette butts shall be disposed of in receptacles placed in these three areas.
  • Food and drink are allowed only in areas designated by the Information Coordinator or designee at the time of execution of this contract. In no case shall food and drink be allowed in the Sanctuary.
  • No decorations are to be hung from the ceiling, curtains, stage curtains, walls, or light fixtures. Any materials used for a meeting may be affixed only as agreed to by the Information Coordinator or designee at the time of execution of this contract, and must be removed immediately after the meeting.
  • Furniture and kitchen equipment, tables, and chairs may be removed from the premises for church purposes only with prior approval by the Policy Sub-Team.
  • Use of audio and visual equipment is to be requested at the time of application and approved by and scheduled through the Information Coordinator or designee. Electronic equipment is not to be removed from the premises.
  • Use of New Providence Presbyterian Church office equipment (copier, fax, etc.) is not permitted by outside organizations.
  • The church is not responsible for theft of personal items on church property.
  • To avoid additional fees, all groups are expected to stay within the time they request for facility use. All events must end not later than 8:30 p.m., and the premises cleaned, restored to previous condition, and vacated no later than 9:00 p.m.
  • Westminster Hall (Front, Rear, or both)
  • Eastminster Hall (Front, Rear, or both)
  • Kitchen – use of Westminster Hall or other church facilities does not include use of kitchen unless specifically requested through the Information Coordinator or designee, in which case the Kitchen Policy & Procedure portion of the Policy Resource Manual shall be appended to and become a part of this contract.
  • Sanctuary (refer to the Sanctuary Use Policy)
  • Rooms 108, 109, 213
  • Chapel
  • Choir Room
  • Parlor
  • Youth Room
  • Nursery (2 year old room)
  • Pavilion – does not include use of other facilities without prior arrangements through the Information Coordinator or designee. The Pavilion fireplace is not to be used.
  • Pavilion Kitchen and Bathrooms – not included in the use of the Pavilion unless specifically requested through the Information Coordinator or designee.
  • During the hours the church is normally open, except Sunday mornings, the facilities are available to members and non-members at no charge. Donations to offset costs are gratefully accepted.
  • At times when the church is not normally open (Friday evenings, Saturday mornings, afternoons, and evenings, and Sunday afternoons and evenings), the facilities may be available to members and non-members at a charge of $55.00 per hour. This fee reimburses the church for various expenses incident to the facility’s use, including the cost of an on-duty Facility Technician. This fee is to include time to set up, take down, and clean after the event.
  • Session may waive, in its discretion, any facility use charge and deposit set forth herein for church programs. Facility use charges and deposits for Boy Scout Troop 88, which is chartered by New Providence Presbyterian Church, are waived.  
  • The Pavilion and Pavilion Kitchen and Bathrooms are available 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. There is no hourly charge for the Pavilion, but the charges set forth above shall apply if the Pavilion Kitchen or Pavilion Bathrooms are requested. With prior arrangements, a Pavilion key can be checked out from the office by a representative of the group. The Pavilion key must be returned during normal office hours.
  • In addition to the hourly rate, there will be a refundable deposit of $100 to be retained by the church if the facilities or Pavilion are not left as they are found and, in the case of the Pavilion, if the key is not returned.  
  • A check for the estimated hourly usage and deposit are due with this signed Facilities Use Contract, both of which must be received in the church office 10 business days prior to the event.
  • The deposit check will be held and returned within two weeks after the event if there is no damage to the facility, additional cleaning or rearranging needed, loss of equipment and/or missing keys.
  • The custodian on duty will inspect the facility after use and complete a Facilities Use Checklist. This checklist will determine if any deductions from the deposit are to be made and is appended to and made part of this contract.
  • If the clean up or setup of the facility is determined to be unacceptable, the fee to be deducted from the deposit will be the hourly rate times the number of hours the custodian has to clean or setup. The cost of repairing any damage will be also deducted from the deposit. If there is damage that exceeds the deposit, the Policy Sub-Team will contact the group to recover the additional amount owed.
  • The Financial Coordinator will return the deposit within two weeks of the event, adjusting for actual time the facility was used and for any cleaning or repairs, if necessary.
Groups sponsored by NPPC shall not be required to provide proof of insurance coverage.
Members of NPPC and outside groups whose purpose is in keeping with the basic mission of the church will generally not be required to provide proof of insurance coverage. However, such individuals or outside groups may be required to provide such proof if they are conducting activities more frequently than annually or if their activities are considered to present a risk of injury or property damage.
Other outside groups and non-members of NPPC will be required to provide proof of insurance coverage.
When proof of insurance coverage is required under this section, the person or group shall provide a certificate of insurance with minimum liability coverage of $500,000 per person and $1,000,000 per occurrence, and shall add NPPC to their policy as an additional insured.
New Providence Presbyterian Church and/or its employees shall not be responsible for damage or personal injury or loss of property on the Church premises sustained by the applicant, a participant in the program or anyone attending any program or event held on Church property. Every applicant/organization must sign a hold-harmless agreement prior to facility use.
For activities involving youth and children under the age of 18, the Child Protection Policy of New Providence Presbyterian Church must be signed and user groups must be in compliance.
  • It is the responsibility of the group using the facility to set up and take down all tables and chairs needed for the event. Tables and chairs must be returned to the storage area from which they were taken. If the room was already set up with tables and chairs and the group changes this arrangement, the arrangement must be put back as it was found. In the case of Westminster Hall, the Facility Technician is to be consulted about how to arrange the room after its use.
  • Take care not to scuff the floors when moving tables and chairs.
  • If a room with furniture (sofa, chairs, coffee table, etc.) is used and the furniture is moved, all furniture must be put back as it was found.
  • If the setup is at a time when a Facility Technician will not be present and the group is not familiar with New Providence, the group must make prior arrangements with the church office to be sure they know where tables and chairs are stored for set up and take down.
  • It is the responsibility of the group using the facility to clean up all areas used for the event.
  • If the event will take place at a time when a Facility Technician will not be present, prior arrangements must be made through the office to ensure the group knows where to access cleaning supplies that can be made available to them.
  • All trash must be placed in trash containers, the trash liners tied shut and trash taken to the outside dumpster for disposal. Clean trash bags must be put back in the trash containers.
  • Floors must be swept or vacuumed of all debris. Spills on hard surface floors must be damp mopped.
  • Tables, countertops, coffee tables, etc., must be damp wiped of any food or spills.
  • Kitchen sinks must be rinsed clean of food or drinks.
  • Any food stored in the refrigerator for the event must be removed before leaving. Any food left in the refrigerator will be removed.
  • If the Nursery diaper pails are used, the trash liner must be removed, tied shut, taken to the outside dumpster, and the trash liner replaced.
  • Remember to turn off any appliance or equipment used, turn off lights and lock the room door when you exit.