Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church
Saturday, October 19, 2024
find peace

Children's Ministry

Hi Kids! 

With parents and families as partners, Peace Memorial is called to nurture children in their commitment to Christ and community, through scripture study, stewardship, worship, fellowship and Christian caring.
We welcome children - even squirmy ones - in worship.  Realizing that our younger ones sometimes become restless the Christian Nurture Council has arranged for children's worship bags.
If parents prefer, children can attend Children's Enrichment which meets during Sunday worship. Children begin the worship service with the congregation and then go upstairs together to their classroom after the Children's Message. Click here to download the Student Registration Form.


Children's Enrichment 
Our children join their parents in community worship. They are invited forward for the “Time with Younger Disciples”. Following that time, they are escorted to the children’s enrichment area. Utilizing Feasting on the Word, a lectionary based Sunday School curriculum, our young disciples explore God’s Word using play, music, crafts, Bible re-enactment and small group discussion.