New Providence Presbyterian Church - Maryville, TN
Saturday, September 28, 2024
New Providence
Presbyterian Church
703 West Broadway Avenue
Maryville, TN 37801
Worship Services @ NPPC
9:00 a.m. FirstLight
11:05 a.m. Traditional
Community Benefit Sale
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Memorial Services

The Session of New Providence Presbyterian Church is responsible continually to lead the church in spiritual guidance, worship and comfort for all who need and seek it. Since the event of death is one of the more spiritually stressful occasions of life, it is the privilege and the duty of the church to offer a ministry of love and hope to all who grieve. 
Because it is difficult to plan wisely under the emotional stress of death, the Session continues to encourage members to discuss and plan in advance for Christian options and arrangements that are necessary at the time of death. These plans should be simple and meaningful, provide spiritual comfort, bear witness to our resurrection hope, and be such that the Christian community and its support may be central. 
New Providence historically has had long standing general policies concerning the observance of services on the occasion of death. The Session has studied these policies and updated them in consideration of recent trends and customs surrounding the event of death. So that all New Providence members and their families may be aware of and guided by current church policies, the brochure Funeral and Memorial Guidelines has been updated, and is available in the church office.   Click on the link to see  the Information form for Planning A Memorial and Funeral Service, a copy of which may be kept with one’s will as well as filing one with the church office for future reference.  The forms kept at the church are confidential.