New Providence Presbyterian Church - Maryville, TN
Saturday, September 28, 2024
New Providence
Presbyterian Church
703 West Broadway Avenue
Maryville, TN 37801
Worship Services @ NPPC
9:00 a.m. FirstLight
11:05 a.m. Traditional
Community Benefit Sale
August 23
September 27
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June 26
Antiques and Collectibles Sale
September 27
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Ministry Teams Overview


The Administrative team is charged with overseeing the “business” of the church in all its administrative functions. Falling to this team will be responsibility for policy and personnel matters, financial oversight of the budget and fiscal health of the church, stewardship programs, the endowment (via the New Providence Foundation) and use of memorial and tribute gifts. Additionally, one of the major sub-committees of the Administrative team is the property committee with responsibility for the church’s physical plant, cemetery, and auxiliary properties.
The Administrative Ministry Team:
  • Has 11 committees
  • Includes the Clerk of Session as an ex officio member
  • Meets on 1st Tuesdays at 8:00 pm (committees meet at 7:00 pm)
  • Is resourced by Pastor/Head of Staff, Dr. Emily J. Anderson

Responsible for the church’s physical plant and cemetery. The committee is authorized to make any necessary expenditures, based on the operating budget.


Landscaping & Interior Design

Oversees landscaping master plan and insures that interior design elements are kept within parameters of FF&E plan


Maintains the church’s policy manual and makes determinations regarding building use in cases where the policy calls for special approval.


Works alongside the church staff to ensure that NPPC’s ministry is being carried out effectively by staff and volunteers.

  • With supervisors, conducts annual staff reviews
  • Maintains personnel policy and related forms
  • Responsible for personnel budget
  • Along with supervisors and P/HOS, recruits and interviews non-ordained staff
  • Works cooperatively with PNCs calling teaching elders


Budget & Finance

  • Responsible for development and oversight of annual budget
  • Makes recommendations to session re: capital funds


Stewardship/ Time & Talent

  • Responsible for educating members about stewardship and conducting annual stewardship campaign, including planning, execution, and follow-up
  • Collects reports of Time & Talent data, distributes to appropriate teams, committees, and congregational groups, and follows up to ensure that contacts have been made
  • Responsible for technology in the physical plant: Internet, user equipment, sound board, communication devices, projection, and network


Long Range/ Strategic Planning

Plans and reports progress of programmatic or construction efforts to session and serves as liaison between church and contractors or outside organizations. (Committee formed as needed)


Oversees memorial funds of NPPC, receives and approves expenditures, and writes acknowledgments to donors and notifies family


New Providence Foundation Board

Oversees endowment arm of NPPC. Meets annually to make recommendation to session of disbursements to operating budget


Long Range/ Strategic Planning

Plans and reports progress of programmatic or construction efforts to session and serves as liaison between church and contractors or outside organizations. (Committee formed as needed)


Chronicles and maintains the history of NPPC, including significant dates, historical records, photographs, and the like




New Providence Presbyterian Church exists in time and space, in a community within a state within a nation within a world all made by God. This existence requires that New Providence be “in” the world as a witness to the good news for the world. How we bring that good news, our evangelism, to others will be a major portion of this team’s responsibility, as will how we act out our understanding of the message through domestic and international mission trips, the church’s support of groups like Habitat For Humanity, Family Promise, Welcome Table, Bartlett Adult Day Out program, Community Outreach, refugee resettlement, hunger programs, and so on. This team will also design educational forums and advocate for issues related to peace and justice as understood by our church.

The CITW team:
  • Meets on 2nd Tuesdays at 7 pm
  • Is resourced by Interim Associate Pastor Rev. Gloria Mencer

Responsible for engaging the NPPC congregation in mission beyond the walls of this church.

  • Oversees and facilitates congregational involvement in mission, creatively seeking ways to help disciples be passionate about God’s work in the world.
  • Receives reports and from individuals/groups advocating for particular missions or opportunities, and makes determinations regarding church’s participation.
  • Coaches advocates about most effective ways to share information and enlist new volunteers.
  • Builds connections with other church groups re: mission outreach opportunities (Apple Tree, WT, etc).
  • Provides opportunities for the community to be informed on topics related to issues of peace and justice.
  • Promotes four denominational offerings each year, makes recommendations about special offerings, and determines NPPC’s allocation of the Peace & Witness Offering.
  • Recommends to session allocation of NPPC budget funds to mission support partners.
  • Assists congregation in reaching out to un-churched neighbors to share the good news of the gospel and invite them to participate at NPPC. Requires working knowledge of evangelistic methods and Mission Insight tools.
  • Provides information re: mission efforts for social media, NPP and bulletin to inform congregation re: opportunities.



Everything that happens within the relational life of NPPC - how we live out our calls to be faithful together, how we interact, and how we care for and accept care from each other is the focus of this team’s ministry. Fellowship groups like PWC, Men’s Square and supper clubs will come under the umbrella of this team’s responsibility, as will Congregational Nurture as expressed through the pastoral care of the ministers, the TLC program, and the nurture of the congregation as a whole. Event Support, working with other ministry team to support fellowship events such as festivals, retreats, and congregational events will be a part of our responsibility. The welcoming, membership and assimilation of new members is also a part of this team’s ministry.

The Congregational Life/Deacons Team:
  • Has 6 committees
  • Meets on 1st Tuesdays at 6:45 pm
  • Is resourced by Interim Associate Pastor Rev. Gloria Mencer

Provides for transportation as needed for worship and other church activities; solicits volunteer drivers.


Arranges for meals or receptions for families after death of a family member

  • Outreach to visitors
  • Inquirers/Membership
  • Assimilation of new members


Congregational Nurture


Outreach to members of the congregation with particular emphasis on those who are confined to their residence or in nursing homes, retirement centers, and assisted living facilities. Responsibilities include:

  • TLC (Taking the Love of Christ) Ministry, assigning partners who make bi-weekly visits, distribute printed materials and/or CDs of worship services as desired by visitors.
  • Send cards for birthdays, Christmas and Easter to members who are homebound or in care facilities.
  • Arrange for deacons to call regularly through church directory to maintain contact with members.
  • Engage college students by means of First Flight ministry.
  • Explore and be open to other opportunities for nurturing and supporting the congregation at large.


Event Support

Provides support for set-up and execution of congregational fellowship events as requested. Events may include:

  • Church Picnic
  • Fall Festival
  • Retreats
  • Christmas Caroling


Fellowship Groups

  • Supper clubs
  • New Prov U
  • PWC
  • Men’s Squares
  • Geneva Groups
  • Sports teams
  • Life Beginners





The purpose of the Discipleship and Education Ministry Team is to lead our members further along their faith journeys. This team will facilitate a structure and strategic plan for all our leadership and leadership development processes, such as officer and educator training as well as discipleship and spiritual formation. This team is responsible for facilitating, providing and maintaining curriculum for instruction to all ages that is in keeping with teaching Reformed Theology. Members of this ministry team are involved in the intentional spiritual growth of the congregation with the expectation that “a year from now, each of us will be a different person than we are today.”


Curriculum Submission for Approval requests and Curriculum Evaluation forms are processed by this team who in turn submit requests to Session.

The Discipleship and Education Ministry Team:
  • Has 5 committees
  • Has 4 active Elders and 29 members.
  • Meets on 2nd Tuesdays at 7:30 pm

Responsible for providing oversight to the adult Sunday School, Bible study and other study groups, including:

  • Assistance in choosing curriculum
  • Assistance in finding and supporting teachers for adult classes
  • Promoting classes with members of NPPC
  • Communicating educational opportunities outside NPPC
  • Providing technological and material support as needed for classes
Proposing and maintaining a budget for adult education.
Responsible for
  • Sunday School program for pre-school through 5th grade including check-in/checkout policies
  • 5 special services/Sundays during the church year
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Maintaining resource room & children’s area classrooms
  • Recruiting and scheduling Preschool volunteers
  • Organizing and/or assisting with Special Events including but not limited to the Easter Egg Hunt, Fall Festival, Apple Tree, Kick-off and Year-end events, P.E.A.K. & Cloud 9 programs, Blessing of the Backpacks.


Youth & College-Age

  • Assists in the planning and coordination of all youth (6th-12th grades) and college-age classes, programs, and events, including Sunday school, Presbyterian Youth Connection (PYC), iGroup, and college-age group meetings.
  • Planning, organization, preparation, recruitment of adult leaders
  • Retreats, lock-ins, summer programming, and domestic mission trips 
  • Confirmation Program
  • Special Events—Youth Sunday, Recognition of High School Seniors, Parent Orientation, Kick-off and Year-end events.
    (In conjunction with Church In the World and a mission trip steering committee), plans, organizes, raises funds, and carries out an International Mission Trip every 3 years.
  • Proposes and maintains a budget for youth and college-age programming and education

The Library Council is responsible for providing direction to the library and for developing policies and guidelines related to its overall functioning, including:

  • Selection and circulation of materials.
  • Approval of displays designed by non-library church groups.
  • Proposing and maintaining a budget for the library
  • Providing a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books and materials that affirm diversity of God’s people, inspire children and adults to live out commitment to God and encourage continuing spiritual growth.


Leadership Development

This committee will develop a strategic plan and structure for supporting our leadership, in particular, providing information and training for:

  • Team leaders,
  • Officers (elders and deacons),
  • Committee chairs
Developing and maintaining a budget.



Worship is at the heart of all that we do as a congregation, and it is in worship that the congregation gathers to focus its identity on the God who has called us together. Working with the pastoral staff, the Worship & Arts team will oversee the worship life of NPPC to ensure that our services are joyful and reverent, meaningful and challenging, and that worship services, while diverse, will maintain the excellence and theological integrity that NPPC has always known. This team will be responsible for planning services, scheduling special worship events, and creating new opportunities for worship as the need arises. While music will be a central part of this team’s responsibility, they will also provide opportunities to worship through other art forms: dance, drama, and visual arts, and will be responsible for the logistics of worship (children’s sermons, communion set up and so on).

The Worship and Arts Ministry Team:
  • Has 7 committees
  • Meets on 2nd Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
  • Is resourced by Pastor/Head of Staff and Music Staff, Dr. Emily J. Anderson, Rob Britt, Peggy Rogers
  • Oversees a self-sustaining Board of Ushers
  • Solicits head ushers from Elders, Deacons, or those who have served in this capacity and/or have been trained
  • Keeps a list of monthly usher volunteers


Children’s Time

Recruits volunteers for weekly children’s time in Sunday worship services

  • Trains officers and sets up schedule for serving communion.
  • Responsible for coordinating servers for 1 service, and finding coordinator for the other.
  • Provides support for chancel guild w communion set-up and clean-up.

Assists music staff with coordination of music in worship services


Special Services

Assists pastor with planning and executing special worship services


Worship Planning

Meets with pastor and music staff twice a year to look at sermon texts, music and special worship opportunities.

Coordinates writers of Advent devotions