New Providence Presbyterian Church - Maryville, TN
Saturday, September 28, 2024
New Providence
Presbyterian Church
703 West Broadway Avenue
Maryville, TN 37801
Worship Services @ NPPC
9:00 a.m. FirstLight
11:05 a.m. Traditional
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Youth Program Information

Get signed up for the youth Enews here...   Twitter Link   Facebook Link 
Here’s the scoop:
Youth Connection – (9th – 12th grades)

The Youth Connection meets on Sunday evenings from 6:30-7:30 for games, worship, discussions, and fellowship. If you don’t already know, the games are ALWAYS awesome and the conversation is ALWAYS stellar. Come join the fun as we learn how to put our faith into action!

iGroup – (6th-8th grades)

iGroup meets on Sunday evenings from 4:30-5:30 p.m., and is where our middle school/intermediate/junior high students start to make the transition from children’s ministries into youth programs. This is their chance to participate in a discussion based youth group model and begin to figure out how their faith will affect the people they are becoming.

Youth Games and Dinner – (6th-12th grades)

On Sundays, at 5:30 p.m., between iGroup and YC, we all sit down and share a meal together. You know how sharing a meal is important to Presbyterians! We rely on volunteers to provide these meals...

iGroup Sunday School – (6th-8th grades)

This group meets on Sunday mornings during the Sunday school hour (10 a.m.) in room 219, upstairs in the education wing. They are currently studying the Feasting on the Word curriculum. Feasting on the Word is a lectionary based curriculum, following the same schedule of scripture that NPPC usually preaches from, and lets this group “unpack” those lessons a little and reinforce what they are hearing in church.

YC Sunday School – (10th – 12th grades)

Senior High Sunday school meets every Sunday in the Youth Room (W-201) on the second floor of the New Westminster Wing during the Sunday school hour (10 a.m.). This year’s class will use a Spice Rack curriculum to study the Prophets of the Old Testament (that’s way more exciting than it sounds… I promise).

Confirmation – (9th grade)

Confirmation is the class that prepares our youth to be fully functioning members of a PC(USA) church. They will learn about basic ideas of Reformed and Presbyterian theology, history of the church, and what faith means. This class will utilize a PC(USA) confirmation curriculum, and also travel to a few other churches, so that we can discuss different religious traditions. 

Youth Sunday

Once a year, both Sunday morning worship services are planned and led entirely by the youth; this includes the music, sermon, readings, prayers, etc. This year’s Youth Sunday will be February 9, 2020. We will begin planning during a lock in at the church on Friday, January 10. So, come help us lead NPPC in worshiping God!

Christmas Progressive Dinner

In December we have a progressive dinner at different youth members’ houses, ending up with a white elephant gift exchange back at the church. We eat tons of great food, travel all over Blount County, and exchange goofy gifts. What can be bad about that?

Middle School Retreat

The Presbytery Youth Council sponsors a retreat for 6th-8th grade students at Camp John Knox. This year’s retreat is scheduled for September 20-22, 2019. This is always a fun filled weekend to get away, relax, hang out with friends and discover God’s work in your life!

Youth Missions

Members of New Providence have taken several trips in the past few years. In 2010, in response to the flooding in Nashville a group of adults went to assist in rebuilding homes.  In 2018, members traveled to Panajachel, Guatemala to work with Porch de Salomon’s home building ministry. Plans are in the works for our 2020 mission trip to Guatemala. 

Youth Summit

This is a presbytery-wide conference for 9th through 12th grade students held in Gatlinburg, usually in February. Youth Summit brings together students from all over East Tennessee to learn, worship, and fellowship. Plus, we get to roam the streets of Gatlinburg - enough said.

Youth Committee

This group of youth and adults meets monthly to give input on youth programming and help with the planning of events. Each youth member is asked to serve a 1-year term and adults, a 3-year term. 

Presbytery Youth Council - (Open to High School juniors and seniors)

Want to meet youth from other churches, become the best dancer in your group of friends, and help plan and lead retreats? The Presbytery Youth Council is made up of two or three youth from each of the churches in our Presbytery.  

Contact Louden Young, Associate Pastor for Emerging Generations and Mission (, 983-0182, ext. 109) for more information.