New Providence Presbyterian Church - Maryville, TN
Saturday, September 28, 2024
New Providence
Presbyterian Church
703 West Broadway Avenue
Maryville, TN 37801
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11:05 a.m. Traditional
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Adult Ed E-News

New Providence Presbyterian Church
Adult Education News
"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will 
never cease to grow." Anthony J. D'Angelo
November 2018

Women's Study Group
2nd & 4th Mondays
7:00 p.m. 

Monday Morning Theologians
Mondays at 7:30 a.m. at Vienna Coffee House
Midweek Lectionary Bible Study
resumes August 1
Wednesdays at 4 p.m.
At Shannondale
Sunday School
Sunday mornings
10:00 a.m.
Study Opportunities
In this fall edition of adult e-news, you will find information about the traditional Sunday morning classes and the many other educational opportunities NPPC has to offer. Study helps you explore your faith, get help with some of life's difficult questions and do all of this with other folks on the same journey. We try to offer something for all ages and interests; but, if we don't meet your needs, just let us know. We would love your suggestions. 
Individual Studies
An anonymous list that has been on the internet describes the Bible in 50 words (Read Down).
God made,              people walked,             love talked,
Adam bit,                sea divided,                 anger crucified,
Noah asked,            tablets guided,              hope died,
Abraham split,          Promise landed,            Love rose,
Joseph ruled,           Saul freaked,                Spirit flamed,
Jacob fooled,           David peeked,               Word spread,
Bush talked,             prophets warned,         God remained,
Moses balked,          Jesus born,                   Pharaoh plagued,
God walked...
Hopefully these words are familiar to you, but you also know this is the tip of the iceberg in Bible study. As the weather cools, it is possible to have more inside study and reading time The NPPC Resource Center has multiple books on every book of the Bible. Promise yourself to go beyond the few stories you might have learned in Sunday School years ago.
Additional study is available with two new books for parents. The first, Making a Home for Faith: Nurturing the Spiritual Life of Your Children, is a revised classic from 2000 that shows families how to articulate their faith. This work by Elizabeth Caldwell is beneficial for parents, guardians, and those who do ministry with children. It also includes a list of helpful resources for congregations and families on faith and families, adoption, grief, loss, death, God, Jesus and the Bible story books. Especially look at this book for the twelve guidelines for parents as a starting point for faithful practices that could become a part of your family's life. 

A second important work new to the resource center is More Than Words: 10 values for the Modern Family. The author, Erin Wathen, provides a welcome voice of love, justice, and mercy in a time when often family values have come to mean bigotry, hate and exclusion. With the study questions at the end of each chapter, this would be a great book especially for individuals and classes of parents raising young children.
A recent donation to our resource center is Jon Meacham's new book, The Soul of America: Battle of Our Better Angels. Meacham, Tennessee native and Pulitzer Prize winning author, helps us understand the present moment in American politics and life by looking back at critical times in our history when hope overcame division and fear.
Conversations That Matter
We hope that those of you who were able to attend the Conversations That Matter series sponsored by the adult education committee found some helpful tools and possible directions for dealing with the current political and cultural tensions. Eric Minton, Carrie Eaton, Laura Sells, Steve Musick, and Michelle Huntoon presented materials to the group and resources to take home. 

If you would like to see these materials, check the NPPC website. The address is If you have ideas for other series that would be of interest to NPPC members, let Carrie Eaton know at
Yoga for Advent
While Advent is a beautiful season of expectancy and preparation, it also falls during a season of activity, busy-ness, and unhealthy habits. Yoga during Advent provides an opportunity for stillness, linking the body to spirit, and quiet prayerfulness. Yoga session fees will be donated to Porch de Salomon.
Sessions led by Andrea Franks will be held in Eastminster Hall on December 4, 11, and 18 at 7:00 p.m. Dress comfortably and bring a yoga mat and $10 donation per class.
Women's Study Group
The women's study group continues the reading and discussion of The Dance of the Dissident Daughter. They will be choosing a new book soon to start the new year. Remember they meet on the second and fourth Mondays at 7:00 in the church parlor. All women of the church are welcome, and we urge you to bring a friend.
Adult Sunday School

NPPC currently offers five adult Sunday school classes, and if you've never had the opportunity to check out what this exciting area of adult education ministry has to offer, I encourage you to come and give it a try.  We have groups for a wide variety of interests, life stages, and learning styles, so come check it out!  All classes meet on Sunday morning at 10 a.m., in the following locations:
Disciples - The Disciples class studies the four Revised Common Lectionary texts for the current Sunday with a focus on the context of the passages, the implications of the original Hebrew and Greek languages, the history of how these passages have been interpreted by the church over the centuries, and some questions designed to lead us into insights and appreciation for these scriptures. This class, which is currently using the Feasting on the Word curriculum and other lectionary-based resources is led by class members and meets in Eastminster Hall.  Class contact is Margaret Kidd.
Faith and Culture - The Faith and Culture class seeks to examine and reflect on the meaning of Christian faith in an increasingly complex and diverse world. Through discussions of contemporary theologies, recent developments in biblical scholarship, current ethical issues, and other topics involving the intersection of culture and faith, members of the class explore ways to maintain a faith that is relevant, vital and meaningful in the modern world. This class meets in Room 109, in the rear Class contacts are Bill Savell and Teal Willoughby.
Seekers of Seven - The Seekers cover a wide range of topics from the study of Scripture to books on theology, faith, and Christian responses to current issues. The class is taught by members and is primarily discussion based.  The study starting on October 21st is God is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World by Stephen Prothero. O Antiphons, a set of words of worship for the seven days leading up to Christmas Eve.will be the four week Advent study.  The class meets  in the Parlor and would love to have new folks join them any time.  Class contact is Pam Bunde.
Pathfinders - The Pathfinders is a group of mostly 20-40-somethings who enjoys a conversation/discussion format, often focusing on the relationship between Christian teachings and scripture and current issues.  The class meets in W-202 and they are currently reading Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the Story of Race by Debbie Irving.  Class contact is Tyler Johnson.
The Rest of Us - The Rest of Us class is a diverse group of adults-single, married, young children at home, grandchildren, lifelong Presbyterians, new Presbyterians, and those still seeking. They are currently led by Walt Greene and Bill Schult, and are using The Present Word curriculum.  Through discussion and study, the class seeks to develop a faith that is active in our world. This class meets in Room 206 on the third floor of the main building.  
If you would like more information about any of our classes or adult education opportunities please contact Carrie Eaton, Adult Ed committee leader (  
If you would like more information about any of our classes or adult education opportunities please contact Carrie Eaton, Adult Ed committee leader (
Midweek Opportunities
The Monday Morning Theologians meets each Monday from 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM at Vienna Coffee House, and the Mid-Week Lectionary Study gathers on Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m.  at Shannondale.  Both groups use the Revised Common Lectionary texts for the current week. These groups seek to link the four lectionary passages to a common theme or meaning and to link that further to our understanding of God's plan for us and the world. 

The Women's Study Group meets in the parlor from 7:00-8:15 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of each month  for book discussion.  They are currently studying The Dance of the Dissident Daughter: A Woman's Journey from Christian Tradition to the Sacred Feminine by Sue Monk Kidd. This Women's Study Group is for all ages and often includes folks from other churches. Come join us and invite a friend!  For more information, contact Renee Nasrollahi (
New Prov U is an opportunity for the congregation, especially those 55 and older, to find enrichment opportunities through a variety of presentations.  These programs take place on Wednesdays, once per month, with lunch at 11:30 a.m. and a one-hour program beginning at 12:00. 
Around Town and Around the Web
The Adult Education Committee is always on the lookout for interesting Christian education opportunities and resources offered within our own community and beyond. Each month we will pass along links and information on a few of those which are of special or current interest.
Some excellent periodicals available for you include Horizons, the publication of Presbyterian Women that gives you insights from women around the world and inspiration to live boldly. (Check out their website at You will be impressed with the many resources to be found there). Another good one is Presbyterians Today. This is the award-winning, general-interest magazine of the PCUSA. Published 6 times a year, it explores practical issues of faith and life, tells stories of Presbyterians who are living their faith and covers a wide range of church news and activities.
The Presbytery of East Tennessee offers workshops, lectures, and other learning opportunities on a variety of topics throughout the year. To stay up to date on current happenings, visit the PET website and sign up to receive the newsletter and other updates at

If you would like to subscribe to this newsletter, contact Coco Everett (e-mail, 983-0182).
New Providence Presbyterian Church, 703 West Broadway Avenue, Maryville, TN 37801
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