Sandy Creek Baptist Church
Friday, May 03, 2024
Pastor, Philip Johnson

Worker in the Field - Update # 27, 2019.01.28

January 28, 2019 -


The New Year 

Last month I wrote you with the incredible news of my best Christmas present ever. Let me jog your memory with an excerpt from last month’s newsletter…
On Christmas morning I received a phone call was from a man in the village who immediately asked, “When are you coming back?  It better be soon, because there are six people here who want to become believers!”
Remember this exciting news?!?  I asked each of you to join in prying fervently for these six. I received so many emails and messages that y’all were doing just that.  And by the way the Father worked over the next few days it was undeniable that y’all were storming the throne and intervening for these people. 
The first week of January we made plans to spend the night in the village and have a time of discussion and w0rship.  When we arrived in the village we were unable to hide our excitement. Our team knew the Father was up to big things and we couldn’t wait for the night to begin. After dinner we got the fire going (because it’s chilly at night here right now) and people began to show up one by one. After about an hour of B!ble stories and discussion, the group of young men who had expressed interest in following joined the discussion. Out national partner led them another Good News presentation.  Then He asked them one by one:  Who is the Son? Why did He come? Why do you want to follow Him? 
It was a good thing it was pitch black outside expect for the glow of the fire, because the answers and heartfelt pryers brought tears to my eyes. The truth and understanding that the Father had placed in their hearts was unmistakable.  It was gloriously beautiful.  Then four of them pryed for forgiveness and ask Him to be their Lord and Savior. What a privilege it was to hear these ones call out to the Father. 
Then, the next morning, another followed with a decision of faith.  FIVE TOTAL!
He is working here!  Even when it seems no one is listening; He is at work! 
Now, as I said before, it was undeniable that we were all united in pryer for the salvation of these young men. Now I ask you for some partnership for some specific requests as we move forward 

·        Ask for spiritual growth of these new baby believers

·        Ask for logistics of our team to be able to lead these new believers in a short term d!scipleship B!ble story set over the next month 

·        Ask for unity among these believers as they grow together

·        Ask for boldness to share their newfound fa!th

·        Ask for strength and perseverance in the face of persecution, which will most certainly come

·        Ask for boldness to walk in obedience in believer’s bapt!sm


·        Ask for MORE to come Him in this village

Worker in the Field