Faith Radio
Thursday, February 06, 2025
Life Changing!

Listener Testimonies - Why Do You Support Faith Radio?


     “Thank you for the work you are doing for God’s Kingdom. Through your programs, you are reaching many people.” - Millbrook, AL


     “THANK YOU for your wonderful programming, You recharge me each time I listen to you.” 
- Montgomery, AL


     “Most every weekday for me begins by listening to Dr. David Jeremiah at 6:00 am. I listen, most of the day, to the other programs that bless my heart. I do pray for you.” - Eclectic, AL


     “I want to express in a very small way my appreciation for all of your programming. I can’t tell you how many thousands of times I have gotten in my car and something on one of your programs has been directly pointed at me. I never fail to feel just completely blessed and at peace with whatever may be going on in life.” - Florala, AL


     “A lot of healing has taken place in my life since listening to Faith Radio.”
- Dothan, AL

     “Wow! Through the years how you’ve blessed my wife and me and helped us grow spiritually” - Troy, AL

     “Thank you for what you do as instruments of the Lord. The station is a light to the word and a comfort!” - Prattville, AL

     “Your station has been a real blessing to me and my family” - Millbrook, AL

     “For many years, Faith Radio has blessed me and continues to do so each day”
- Montgomery, AL


     “I have Bible teachers every day for all these years. Thank you and those that support your ministry.” - Andalusia, AL


     “Thank you for the songs you all play through the night.  They fill my bedroom with the presence of God.” –Union Springs, AL
     “I moved here from Detroit three years ago and was looking for a good Christian radio teaching station. While praying in my car, I saw one of your vans pull up next to me. I’ve been parked on Faith Radio ever since.  I am blessed day and night with the Word and music.” –Montgomery, AL
     “Listening to faith radio does help to know and grow in the knowledge of our savior Jesus!” –Eclectic, AL
     “My husband is a salesman and is in his truck much of the day and is blessed to be able to hear several of the programs between stops. He comes home at night and sharing tidbits of how God is helping him to grow in his faith through your programs.” –Headland, AL
     “I cannot begin to tell you how much it means to be able to start my day by listening to Dr. David Jeremiah preach the  unadulterated Word of God. As this world rushes to destruction at an even increasing pace, and as we see America abandon its Biblical underpinnings, Faith Radio is an essential part of my day.” –Montgomery, AL
     “You can count on us to support Faith Radio as long as God enables us to do so!” -Montgomery, AL
     “Wow! Through the years how you’ve blessed my wife and me and helped us grow spiritually” -Troy, AL


     “Your station has been a real blessing to me and my family” -Millbrook, AL
     “For many years, Faith Radio has blessed me and continues to do so each day” -Montgomery, AL
     “I have Bible teachers every day for all these years. Thank you and those that support your ministry.” -Andalusia, AL


     “Thank you for your ministry! It blesses me so much and the messages give me strength and hope.” –Montgomery, AL

     “Faith Radio is very important to all of us in the community and the ongoing battles for our beliefs. Satan Is at work overtime, and we need to continue to draw strength from each other.” -Montgomery, AL


     “Faith Radio has made the biggest contributions to my spiritual growth.” -Wetumpka, AL

     “I always look for a ministry that I know will make the greatest impact for the Kingdom of God.” -Luverne, AL

     “Faith Radio is my daily discipleship which helps me keep my mind on the Lord and encourages me.”
-Eufaula, AL

     "I am so enthused by what I hear on Faith Radio everyday... Everyday! Faith Radio is such an encouragement to me! I will always keep you in my heart and in my home. Thank you so much!' -Clio, AL

     "I love your teaching, your music and the personalities. Faith Radio is like part of my family. My husband and I keep Faith Radio in our prayers because we know how important that encouragement is." -Comment Line

       "Faith Radio is my daily discipleship which helps me keep my mind on the Lord and encourages me along the way. The day I picked up my cross from Faith  Radio, God's Holy Spirit instilled in my spirit a greater awareness of Him. I have consciously stopped worrying and started trusting God completely. I feel like I have moved from the valley to the mountain top. Faith Radio is helping me grow closer to God." –Eufaula, AL

     "Love and appreciate you, FAITH RADIO! Thank you for ministering The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Keep Worshiping!"  –Millbrook, AL

     "I started listening to Faith Radio about 30 years ago. Without a doubt, it has made the biggest contributions to my spiritual growth. We go to church maybe 3 or 4 hours a week, but we can listen to Faith Radio 24 hours a day 7 days a week. What a Wonderful Blessing! Thank you for being there for us all through the good times and bad in the middle of the night, in early morning hours, all day every day." –Wetumpka, AL

     "So grateful for your ministry!"  –Dothan, AL

     "I have been loving Faith Radio for years! We had a Bible study questionnaire that asked who has had the most influence on your walk with the Lord? I'm sure they were looking for a person's name but I wrote Faith Radio. Thank you for always being there for me 24/7!"  –Luverne, AL

   “I want to challenge you, if you have ever thought about contributing to Faith Radio, do it today! It is a wise investment in your own community! You may not have time to be involved in local civic activities, but  through Faith Radio you touch the lives of the people where you live.” -Bonifay, FL

     “I support Faith Radio because I hear people testify what it’s meant for their life…and when it changes people’s lives, that’s important to me!” -Wetumpka, AL

     “I support Faith Radio because it is a way of getting the Gospel in the hands and ears of a person that perhaps would never darkened the doors of a church.” -Andalusia, AL

     “Faith Radio can take my worst moment or my best moment and change it for God’s Glory!” -Montgomery, AL

     “I take every opportunity to speak with my cell mates about the Lord. It seems most of the guys are less violent and more civil when Faith Radio is on. Thank you for being such a positive influence in my life.” -Prisoner from Elmore County

      “I give to support God’s work through Faith Radio to fulfill my obedience to God, but it also gives me a joy that is hard to explain. I encourage everyone to sit down  and look at the needs of Christian organizations and set out and be more generous with what God has given you so you can enjoy the great feeling that you receive when you support good quality Christian organizations like Faith Radio.” -Montgomery, AL

      “To  fulfill my obedience to God… but it also give me a joy that is hard to explain. I encourage everyone to sit down and look at the needs of Christian organizations and set out and be more generous with what God has given you so you can enjoy the great feeling that you receive when you support good quality Christian organizations like Faith Radio.” -Montgomery, AL

     “I support Faith Radio because I hear people testify what it’s meant for their life…and when it changes people’s lives, that’s important to me!” -Wetumpka, AL

     “I support Faith Radio because it is a way of getting the Gospel in the hands and ears of a person that perhaps would never darkened the doors of a church.” -Andalusia, AL


      “It is a wise investment in your own community! You may not have time to be involved in local civic activities, but through Faith Radio you touch the lives of the people where you live.” -Bonifay, FL

      “Thank you for all you do to encourage the people of God daily. Your ministry has educated, enlightened, cheered, humbled and blessed me. It has strengthened and sustained me through many trials.” -Montgomery, AL

     “Enclosed is a $40 donation. We challenge other Sunday School classes to do the same!”  Enterprise, AL

      “Thanks for bringing all the pastors together. It was a blessing to be in the room as God’s presence was experienced. You are an encourager to all of us. My prayer is you will be encouraged by us as we pray for you and support the wonderful ministry of Faith Radio.” -Prattville, AL

     “In my personal giving, I always look for a ministry that I know will make the greatest impact for the Kingdom of God. That’s why I give to Faith Radio. I know that the little I give will reach a lot.” -Pastor Ira Walton, Sr., Senior Pastor of Crenshaw Community Baptist Church,  Luverne (left)     

     “I don’t ever want to stop learning and that’s what Faith Radio is all about- spiritual knowledge. Spiritual knowledge is needed for the soul like physical food is needed for the body. I truly believe that you cannot ever and will not ever have a problem or situation that God cannot solve. I support Faith Radio through the State Combined Campaign and I’m glad to be a supporter of such a worthy cause.” –Montgomery, AL      

     “I’m shut in, 94 years old… you have the best preaching in all the world!” –Alexander City, AL      

     “Thank you for praying for me.  I know you did it for Jesus and that you will be blessed by Him.” -Geneva, AL      

      “I love you because you help me and my mom learn more about the Bible in the morning.” -Enterprise, AL 


      “Every single day I hear from God through Faith Radio. It keeps my mind filled with God-thoughts in a world being bombarded by darkness. I believe Faith Radio is one of the most effective ministries in our community and far beyond when you consider online listeners and global exposure. Faith Radio is involved in so many outreaches and offers so many touch points to believers and non-believers. I know any money given to Faith Radio is money well spent to glorify God.” -Charlotte Lane, Montgomery  (right)

     “You’ve been such a strong part of my life. My car radio and my home radio are never on any other station.” -Wetumpka, AL

     “Faith Radio seems to focus more on the positive and not the negative. No matter what is happening in your life, Faith Radio makes things better.” -Prattville, AL    

     “For many years I have been blessed by your station. I will try to help more and I intend to speak to my friends about your wonderful Godly programs.” -Billingsley, AL

Your Investment
and Support Matters!

Faith Radio is
touching many lives
each day and night.
Your donation can make
an eternal impact.
We are
listener supported
and your support
really matters!