Commonwealth of Virginia Workers' Compensation Services
Monday, May 06, 2024
Total Program Management


The Program has proven successful in a number of measures in fiscal year 2019:
Subrogation Recoveries - Subrogation recoveries totaled just under $617,000.
Direct Deposit - Enrollment for direct deposit improved to 59% or 202 eligible injured workers.
Customer Satisfaction Survey - Again this year we posted strong performance, with 95% of those responding rating MCI as 6 or better on a 10 point scale.
Return-to-work Rate - This marks ten consecutive years with RTW rates of either 98 or 99 percent. In FY19, 99% of those released to work actually returned to work.
Cost Avoidance - Cost avoidance for FY19 totaled just under $14,000,000 compared to $9.4M in FY18. The program has achieved cost avoidance over actuarial projections in this model from FY10 through FY19 totaling $45,891,650.
Disability Duration - In FY19, we reduced average disability duration to 33.92 days, a reduction of 1.18 days or 3.36% below the 3-year average disability duration.