Amityville New York United Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
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Involvement Opportunities





Our laity is quite active.  And, there is always opportunity for you to be involved and to use the gifts God has given you.


Church Attic:  Volunteers staff the Attic five days a week, from 10 am - 4 pm.  It is a ministry of recycling clothing, small furniture and other household items at a reasonable cost.  We are currently seeking volunteers to staff on Saturday's.  Please contact the church office if you can help. 


United Methodist Youth Fellowship:  This group is for youth 6th grade through high school.  These usually have two meetings/activities a month.  Trips, projects, retreats and spiritual growth are all part of the youth program.


United Methodist Women:  This group is the engine for the Church Attic.  They give their time for that ministry.  The money they raise through the Church Attic is distributed to many outreach causes.  If you are interested in being a part of the board, please contact the Church Office.


United Methodist Men:  The men of the First United Methodist combine with the men of Simpson United Methodist for monthly programs during the school year.  Their meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month at 7 pm with supper provided with the scheduled program.  Call the Church Office to find out which church is hosting the meeting for the month you are interested in attending.


Committees:  There are committiees any organization needs from Trustees to programming.  Then there are committies unique to a congregation such as Church and Society; Christian Education; Membership, Nurture and Evangelism; Outreach and stewardship; Parents with Young Children; Conflict Resolution; Columbarium Task Force; Youth Council; Reconciling Task Force; Labyrinth Task Force; Tech Alliance; and Worship.  Should you wish for more information contact the Church Office. 


Fellowship:  Each Sunday following the 10 am Service, refreshments are served in the palor.  Since we are a "green church", we use china that must be washed and stored for the following week.  Volunteers are always welcomed to carry the dishes upstairs to the dishwasher and then removed afterwards and brought back down.  Also, the tablecloths and napkins need to be washed each week.


Church office phone: 631-264-0152    Email:    Fax: 631-598-3425