First United Methodist Church
Friday, April 26, 2024
Know - Grow - Serve - Share

Our Worship

Worship is at the heart of our life together as a community of faith here at First United Methodist Church. Each week we gather to thank God for the many gifts we have already received and to ask for the strength and courage to face the week ahead. Through music, prayer, the reading of the ancient witnesses from Scripture, and retelling our stories in the light of Gods story we hope to become the people God created and intended us to be. If you prefer a traditional service with a choir, organ, and hymns, choose one of the traditional times below. If you want to come in more casual clothes, grab a cup of coffee and worship with a contemporary team of musicians, come at 10:45 to our new contemporary service. Everyone is welcome to worship with us. Persons of all ages, nations, races, and life situations are part of Gods family and are invited to join us as we seek to love and serve God and our neighbors. We invite you to accompany us on this adventure of faith.

 Sunday Worship Services*
Sunday - 8:15 Am Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
10:45 AM Contemporary Service in the Gym

 (Broadcast on local cable channel 3, Tuesdays at 7:00pm)
9:30am Sunday School Hour
 *Nursery Care is provided during all Church Services & Sunday School.