New Providence Presbyterian Church - Maryville, TN
Saturday, September 28, 2024
New Providence
Presbyterian Church
703 West Broadway Avenue
Maryville, TN 37801
Worship Services @ NPPC
9:00 a.m. FirstLight
11:05 a.m. Traditional
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Youth (6th-12th grade)

Youth Christian Education

Youth Connection Sunday School – (10th – 12th grades) Senior High Sunday school meets every Sunday in the Youth Room (W-201) on the second floor of the New Westminster Wing during the Sunday school hour (10 a.m.). This year’s class will use a Spice Rack curriculum to study the Prophets of the Old Testament (that’s way more exciting than it sounds… I promise).

Confirmation – (9th grade) Confirmation is the class that prepares our youth to be fully functioning members of a PC(USA) church. They will learn about basic ideas of Reformed and Presbyterian theology, history of the church, and what faith means. This class will utilize a PC(USA) confirmation curriculum, and also travel to a few other churches, so that we can discuss different religious traditions. 

iGroup Sunday School – (6th-8th grades) This group meets on Sunday mornings during the Sunday school hour (10 a.m.) in room 219, upstairs in the education wing. They are currently studying the Feasting on the Word curriculum. Feasting on the Word is a lectionary based curriculum, following the same schedule of scripture that NPPC usually preaches from, and lets this group “unpack” those lessons a little and reinforce what they are hearing in church.

Contact Louden Young, Associate Pastor for Emerging Generations and Mission (, 983-0182, ext. 109) for more information.

Click here to find out all the youth happenings...