New Providence Presbyterian Church - Maryville, TN
Saturday, September 28, 2024
New Providence
Presbyterian Church
703 West Broadway Avenue
Maryville, TN 37801
Worship Services @ NPPC
9:00 a.m. FirstLight
11:05 a.m. Traditional
Community Benefit Sale
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Sunday School

New Providence has a variety of Sunday School Classes for adults. We meet at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. If you would like more information about the specific studies, please contact Rev. Steve Musick  or Cynthia Freeman (chair for Adult Education).

  • Disciples - The Disciples class endeavors to study the four Revised Common Lectionary texts for the current Sunday. Steve Musick brings challenging and often humorous ways to look at the context of the passages, the implications of the original Hebrew and Greek languages, the history of how these passages have been interpreted by the church over the centuries, and some questions designed to lead us into insights and appreciation for these scriptures. This class meets in Eastminster Hall.
  • Faith and Culture - The Faith and Culture class seeks to examine and reflect on the meaning of Christian faith in an increasingly complex and diverse world. Through discussions of contemporary theologies, recent developments in biblical scholarship, current ethical issues , and other topics involving the intersection of culture and faith, members of the class explore ways to maintain a faith that is relevant, vital and meaningful in the modern world. This is class is taught by class members and is discussion based.  This class meets in Room 109, behind the library. 
  • Seekers of Seven - This Seekers study  a range of topics from the study of Scripture to challenging books. The class is taught by class members and is primarily discussion based. The class has recently finished a video series by Walter Brueggemann and Kathleen Norris. The next study will be Presbyterian theology. The studies change about every three months.  This class meets in the Parlor. 
  • Pathfinders - The Pathfinders class is currently studying different people and stories from the Bible. The theme has been “Bible stories you knew or heard about while growing up with some information you did not know or realize before.” The class picks topics of study based on feedback and interest of the class members. This class meets in the back of the new Youth Room.  
  • The Rest of Us  - The Rest of Us class is a diverse group of adults-single, married, young children at home, grandchildren, lifelong Presbyterians, new Presbyterians, and those still seeking. They are studying The Seasons of the Spirit, a lectionary-based study. The class has regular social events outside of church-both family-friendly and adult only. Through discussion and study the class seeks to develop a faith that is active in our world. This class meets in Room 206 (the old Youth Room).
  • Gap - The Gap class is comprised of young adults whether single, married or married with children. The class studies The Wired Word, an internet study that connects current events with passages from Scripture and creates opportunity to consider these events from a faith standpoint. This class meets in Room 213 on the third floor.
  • The Bridge - The Bridge class is for those who have finished high school and are either in college or the work world. This class meets in Room 214 on the third floor.