New Providence Presbyterian Church - Maryville, TN
Saturday, September 28, 2024
New Providence
Presbyterian Church
703 West Broadway Avenue
Maryville, TN 37801
Worship Services @ NPPC
9:00 a.m. FirstLight
11:05 a.m. Traditional
Community Benefit Sale
August 23
September 27
October 25
November 22
December 6
January 24
February 28
March 27
April 24
May 22
June 26
Antiques and Collectibles Sale
September 27
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Ministry Teams

NPPC’s session is organized in five ministry teams that reflect the five points of our vision statement. Beginning in January 2004, NPPC moved to a new session structure involving larger ministry teams rather than small, single-focus committees. The intent was to improve communication across team lines, and to free active elders from the day-to-day management tasks of committee work so that they are able to focus on big picture visioning and identity issues. No active elders will be directly chairing ministry teams; they will resource those teams and be significantly involved in their work, but will not serve as chair.


Worship is at the heart of all that we do as a congregation, and in worship the congregation gathers to focus on the God who has called us together.  Working with the pastoral and music staff, the Worship & Arts team oversees the worship life of NPPC to insure that worship is joyful and reverent, meaningful and challenging, and that worship services, while diverse, will maintain the excellence and theological integrity that NPPC has always known. 


This team will take on the responsibility of leading our members farther along on their faith journeys.  Educational councils—children’s, youth, college & young adult, and adult – take specific responsibilities for particular age groups.


Everything that happens within the relational life of New Providence Presbyterian Church – how we live out our calls to be faithful together, how we interact, and how we care for and accept care from each other – is the focus of this team’s ministry. 


The church in the world team directs all of New Providence’s outreach to the world as a witness to the good news of Jesus Christ. We bring that good news through our words and through our deeds, as we act out our faith through domestic and international mission trips, and local programs like the Welcome Table, the Community Benefit Sale, and many more.


The Administration team is charged with overseeing the business functions of the church, including policy and personnel matters, financial oversight of the budget and fiscal health of the church, facilities management, stewardship programs, the endowment (via the New Providence Foundation) and use of memorial and tribute gifts.