Walkersville United Methodist Church
Friday, September 27, 2024

Information for Parents

When your child comes to WUMC Weekday School, he or she should be dressed in comfortable washable clothing that encourages independence in personal care:  pants with elastic waistbands are easier for 3s and 4s to manage than pants with elaborate belts or fasteners.  Please remember to clearly mark your child’s clothing (i.e. jackets, hats, mittens) with his/her name.  Please do not bring your child more than five minutes before the program begins.  Please be prompt in picking up your child at the end of the session.  For your child’s safety, we require that you walk him or her to the room door.
If your child wishes to celebrate his/her birthday with his group, please notify the teacher in advance.  If your child is absent due to illness, please send a note on the child’s return to school.  MSDE requires that we keep a record of absences.  If your child misses more than half of the month due to illness, fees for that month will be reduced by half (a doctor’s note will be required).  If it is necessary to withdraw your child from the school, fees for the month he/she leaves cannot be refunded.  Please let us know as early as possible, in writing,  if you are planning to move, so that we may keep our enrollment filled.  If you form a carpool with other parents, give the teacher a schedule and inform her of changes.  Children will not be released to anyone other than the parent or scheduled carpool without written permission.
If your child becomes ill at school, the parent or designated emergency persons will be called to take the child home.
Children who had fever, vomiting or diarrhea should be free of all symptoms for a full 24 hours before returning to class.
If your child develops lice, please notify the school immediately so we can clean the classroom appropriately and prevent further outbreaks.  We will also notify the student body but the name of the student will remain confidential.  A student should be treated immediately and not return to school for a minimum of 48 hours to ensure the infestation is clear.  As teachers and parents, we have to work together to keep lice out of our school by regularily checking your child and communicating any findings. 
Discipline at WUMC Weekday School is limited to verbal reminders and time-outs; not to exceed one minute per year of the child’s age.  We use the Stoplight Behavior System within the classroom to communicate expectations and redirect misbehavior, (Green, Yellow, Red).  Parents will be notified of any disciplinary actions, should a student move to Red. 
Conferences between parent and teacher may be called to discuss further concerns.
If FCPS is closed due to inclement weather, Weekday School is also closed.
If FCPS has a 1 or 2 hour delay, we work on the following abbreviated schedule :
ALL Morning classes - 10am - 12pm
Afternoon classes - 1pm -3pm
Transitional K - 10am -2:00pm
 If FCPS closes EARLY due to inclement weather we will email you as soon as we are notified,
and work on the following schedule:
Morning classes - no change -if you would like to pick up your child early, we understand
Afternoon classes - CANCELLED
Transitional K - pick up at 12pm (no lunch)
Preparing for the First Day
The first day of school is one that we hope will be a positive experience for you and your child. To help your child start his/her preschool year off on a positive note, please make every effort to:
  • Plan your schedule so your child will be well-rested, unhurried, well-fed, and relaxed for the first morning and every morning.
  • Expect that your child will go to school happily and will have a good time. Use encouraging and uplifting words with your child about his/her day. Your child will sense your own insecurity or anxiousness quickly.
  • Talk about preschool in a positive way and name specific activities that your child will enjoy during the day. “You will have so much fun making art with your friends” or “ I can’t wait to hear about your day and see what you have made” or “Your teacher (use name) will be so excited to see you today”.

In the Event of an Emergency, Please Contact:
Pastor Mike Henning

@ 240-313-8861