Walkersville United Methodist Church
Friday, September 27, 2024

School Activities


    The church has made available five rooms for WUMC Weekday School. The rooms are equipped with teacher assistants (for classes greater than 10) and age appropriate developmental toys. Each room has an art area, manipulative game and puzzle center, dramatic play area, block area, and book area. There is an outdoor play area as well, with ample equipment for large muscle development. Georgetown Hall (indoor) is available for our students on inclement weather days or days colder than 32 degrees. A typical program routine alternates quiet and active times, including art and craft projects, handwriting practice, supervised play, group discussions/activities, songs, games, stories, daily snacks, and outdoor play. All 4s classes and Pre-K classes participate weekly in our school’s lending library, Bible study, and the Zaner-Bloser handwriting program, (Older 3s also participate in the Zaner-Bloser beginner writing program).


Peanut free snack is provided by the School and includes nutritious offerings from at least two food groups, although contributions or special snacks for individual groups are welcomed with advance notice. Parents will be provided a calendar for their juice and snack food contributions. Thank you in advance for your contributions.  Staff members also plan a variety of cooking projects that may be served as a snack.

Walking trips to nearby sites in old Walkersville are a tradition at WUMC Weekday School.  Trips requiring parental help with transportation are planned at the discretion of the individual group leaders.

The entire school participates in a fall pumpkin patch field trip  as well as a spring field trip. The spring trip is planned by age group and has included The Walkersville Southern Railroad, Nature Center, and Green Meadows in the past.  The teaching teams do their best to plan the spring trip around the curriculum.  All classes participate in a Christmas Program that will not disappoint in December.  The 4s and Pre-K and Trans K class will host a Mother's Day Tea and a Preschool Graduation in May.

In the Event of an Emergency, Please Contact:
Pastor Mike Henning

@ 240-313-8861