Walkersville United Methodist Church
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Walkersville United Methodist Church
22 Main Street, Walkersville, MD 21793
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 9:00am til 2:00pm.
Office: 301-845-9860     Fax:  301-845-9863
Church Staff Contacts
Church Committee Contacts

Altar Flowers.  Contact: Kim Slawter 301-304-0181.

Altar Guild.  Contact:  Lois Kauffman at 301-845-6690 or Kitty Crum at 301-898-5782.

Bereavement Committee.  Contact:  Nancy Denlinger at 301-695-4740, and Kathy Barrett at 301-606-2119.

Blood Drive.  Contact:  Betty George at 301-682-7255 or Donna Swanson at 301-845-6024.

Caring Committee.  Contact: Janie Piper, or the church office.

Event Planning.  Contact the church office 301-845-9860.

Hospitality Committee Contact:  Leslie Baker at 301-606-6418.

Meal Ministry. WUMC meal ministry is available to provide a meal (or a few meals) to members of our church family in need. 

                             Contact Kim Slawter, or call our church office at 301-845-9860 for more information or to volunteer.

Prayer Ministry – Prayer Chain.  Contact:Nancy Duncan at 301-845-2169 or Rita Roberson at 301-845-8246.

Shawl Ministry.  Contact:  Helene Klemanski at 301-845-2572.

Worship Committee. John Grimes at 301-845-2230, or johngrimes17@gmail.com.

Mens Group.  Contact:  Bill Butler 301-845-9860

Womens Group.  Contact: 301-845-9860.

Website. Contact: John Grimes at webmaster@walkersvilleumc.org.


In the Event of an Emergency, Please Contact:
Pastor Mike Henning

@ 240-313-8861