Thursday, September 26, 2024
Hope, Change, Healing

Rev. Sowa's Blog


Click here for Rev. Sowa's blog.

As a communicator, my divine mandate is to "bring hope, transformation and healing to the world through the communication of the Word." 

My communication pieces include big topics such as, addressing human needs, promoting education, problem solving, communicating the Gospel, church planting, church growth, discipleship, leadership development, mentorship, volunteerism, behavioral competencies in teams, truth, faith, hope, redemption, empowerment, wholeness, service, holiness, covenant, justice, excellence, love, prayer, resurrection, eschatology, spiritual gifts, entrepreneurial formation and development of ministry organizations, prison ministry, local ministry, global ministry, revival, theology and spirituality, and so forth. 

I will post on this blog regularly. My posts will be inspiring, engaging, enriching and interesting. Stay connected and be richly blessed!