Thursday, September 26, 2024
Hope, Change, Healing

Rev. C.T. Sowa

Born in Sierra Leone, Rev. Sowa was saved to the Christian faith at 17 years old, called to preach at 18 years old and licensed as a minister at 20 years old. With eternity in view, and a great sense of urgency and importance for the salvation of souls, Rev. Sowa has been communicating the Good News and faithfully kept his hands on the plow all these years. Adequately sure about this call, and without any delay, Rev. Sowa started proving his ministry by embracing the pastorate in the late 90s, where he served a local church and performed a few roles and responsibilities such as, preaching and teaching for life change, vision casting, administration, supervision, providing spiritual oversight, direction setting, caring pastorally for members, motivating plus inspiring church members, problem solving, conflict resolution, conflict management and much more. 

In the United States, prior to starting Way of Hope Global Ministries, God continued to open doors for ministry involvement in areas such as, preaching, teaching adult Sunday school, youth ministry, prison ministry, to mention but a few. 
Rev. Sowa is actively involved in helping people, challenging people to prayer, entrepreneurial formation and development of ministry organizations, writing articles, promoting education, leadership development, influencing, strategic consulting, and so on. Some of his interests include arts, travel, sports, cultures, mass media and world history. In summary, his major activities include reaching the unreached, inspiring hope, ministering healing to the sick and hurting, developing transformational leaders and extending the church of God in the world. 
The hand of God is on C.T. Sowa's life in unusually strong fashion “for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry” (Ephesians 4:12; Nehemiah 2:18). Surely, God has anointed him to bring hope, transformation and wholeness (spiritually, physically, mentally, financially and emotionally) to the world through the communication of the Word. Chuck T. Sowa is a global prophetic evangelist and prolific communicator. With educational background in Theology, Education and Linguistics, Rev. Sowa earned degrees from two universities. 
To invite C.T. Sowa to minister at your event or service, please write us at wayofhopeglobal@gmail.com