Evangel Church
Thursday, September 26, 2024
...on a journey with God and each other

First Time Visitors

Inclement Weather


Service Times

Sunday Morning

10:00 am

Wednesday Evening

6:30 pm


262 N.Perkins Rd

Memphis, TN 38117





  Pastor Mike DeLisle and wife, Dana
  Mike has been in ministry since 2001. He served as Minister to Young Marrieds and Men  at Bartlett Baptist Church for two years.  
 After graduating from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary in 2003, he served as  Pastor of Walnut Grove Baptist  Church in Bolivar, TN for three years. Before being  called as Pastor to Evangel Church in September 2014, he served as interim pastor for  several churches in the West Tennessee area, and again as a teacher at Bartlett Baptist  Church. Mike and Dana have a heart for missions both at home and internationally, and  have a desire to reach out to the community surrounding Evangel. They live in East  Memphis and have four children; Connor, Ashlyn, Madelyn, and Cathryn.
Psalm 27:4  "I have asked one thing from the LORD; it is what I desire; to dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, gazing on the beauty of the LORD and seeking Him in His temple."

 Hope Medlock, Preschool Director
 Hope began her ministry at Evangel in March, 2008. She enjoys the many aspects of working in ministry - especially the preschool area. She loves how the preschoolers learn so quickly about Jesus and how they want to know more.  Hope is excited about the opportunity she has to see the children and their parents come to know Jesus and grow in their faith.
She has been married to her husband David for 24 years and they have two children, Matthew and Sarah. 
 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
                                                 Jeremiah 29:11 


 Hannah Walker, Director of Children’s Ministry

 Hannah has been in part-time ministry since 2010. She has a heart for children and a desire to  encourage them to grow close to Christ in all that they do. Hannah holds a B.A in Interior Design  from The University of Memphis. She and her husband, Conner, have a daughter, May, and two  dogs, Solomon and Bazemore, and five chickens. She is excited and feels blessed to have the  opportunity to minister to the children as they grow in their faith.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
 Jeremiah 29:11 

 Yogi Vanaman, College and Career Minister
 Yogi has served as Youth Pastor at Evangel since September of 2011 until recently when he felt God prompting him to serve and lead the College and Career Ministry. Yogi's passion is for discipleship and seeing all believers grow in their walk with Christ, becoming men and women of God who desire to share God's love with all people. Yogi is married to "his love" Alaina, and they have a daughter  Evey Grace, and two sons, Oliver and Phinehas. Yogi works at Cordova High School, coaches the high school baseball team, and enjoys spending time and working on home projects with Alaina and the children.
His favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 3:5-6. Yogi says, "If we can just learn to trust Christ with our entire being, His will can be done in our lives." 

  Vincent Nutt, Student Minister Middle School/High School
 Vincent became the Student Minister at Evangel in November 2016.  He is kingdom-        minded and passionate about discipleship and training believers to be spiritual leaders  desiring to see others come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior. Vincent also leads  at the Baptist Collegiate Ministry on the University of Memphis campusVincent sees so  much potential in the students and cannot wait to see how God uses them to change the  world.  
"But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  
Romans 5:8