First United Methodist Church
Monday, May 20, 2024
Know - Grow - Serve - Share

Disciple Sunday School Class

Welcome to the Disciple Sunday school class webpage!
Our class formed in 1989 and the name “Disciples” was decided upon as the original membership of the class was 12.  Today we have 27 members including singles and couples, ages 50’s to 90’s! We are an active class that enjoys getting together for social events and participating in church missions such as Room In The Inn.
Our teacher, Dee Hinkle, is also the husband of our church’s former Associate Pastor, Lynn.  Curriculum is chosen by the class and Dee encourages class members to share thoughts and discussion based on what we are studying. 
Sunday school donations from our class members are used to purchase class curriculum as well as support several local groups such as The Hendersonville Samaritan Center and local church missions.
Now that you have visited our webpage, we hope that you will visit our class!  We are on the second floor of the main building, two doors down from the Sanctuary, room M-209. Class starts at 9:30 a.m. and we hope to see you there!