Lewisburg United Methodist
Thursday, September 26, 2024

History of Lewisburg United Methodist Church


Methodist services were held in Lewisburg as early as 1787.  The next year, circuit rider Bishop Francis Asbury preached at the home of James Watts and formally organized the congregation.  Around 1800, the Methodists erected a church house on Lot 61 on German (now Foster) Street.  This was later sold for use as a dwelling.

A new brick church was constructed on adjoining lots about 1820.  The building, later damaged by cannonball fire during the battle of Lewisburg in 1862, is now John Wesley United Methodist Church and listed on the Historical Registrar.  The Civil War, race issues and division of the Methodist Episcopal Church created two separate branches:  MEC North and MEC South.  In Lewisburg, dispute arose over ownership of the brick church.

A court ruling awarded the church to MEC North and in 1868 MEC South Methodists gathered at the post office to plan another building.  A frame structure "finished in workmanlike manner. . . in good style with suitable pews" was constructed on our present site.  At the beginning of the century, the church reported 340 members and plans were made for a larger building of brick.  The sanctuary was dedicated in January 1905 and included stained glass memorial windows.  Growth of Sunday School (435 enrolled) and Epworth Leagues showed need for an educational wing.  An addition with narthex, parlor, Baraca Room and classrooms was finished by 1914.

World War I affected our church as well as the nation, and it closed for 3 weeks in 1918 during the influenza epidemic.  Great upheaval followed, with the Great Depression, World War II and postwar adjustment.  Interest in foreign and domestic missions increased and church membership rose to 679 in the three decades.

The congregation in 1951 launched a campaign for building and remodeling.  Work done by 1954 added Wesley Hall, a kitchen and Sunday School rooms.  Remodeling was completed and these facilities were dedicated in 1961.  Further sanctuary renovation was done in 1984.  Church growth and community use led to more additions, with choir room, offices, elevator and porte-cochere completed in the fall of 1996.

Lewisburg Methodist Church in 1968 became Lewisburg United Methodist Church as the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Evangelical United Brethren combined.  The church grew and reached out to meet needs of community and social issues.  The first female pastor and co-pastor team of Revs. Patricia Jarvis and Julian Sulgit were appointed in 1997 and emphasized Bible Study and everyday ministry and began Saturday Night Alive and Taize services.  Lara Nunley (Edwards) joined the staff as program and children's ministries director.  Continuing under the pastorate of Rev. Dr. Joseph Kenaston in 2005, the church expanded both worship and ministry areas in music, renewal services and community outreach.  New Associate Rev. Beth Peters served both LUMC and our sister church John Wesley.  Shepherd's Center Adult Ministry, Joyful Noise Afterschool Program, Snacks in Packs, Parents' Morning Out, and LUMC Preschool sounds filled the church halls.  Close connection continues between LUMC and Wellspring, a ministry assisting those in need.  Dawn's Playground was built and dedicated on the new Green Space and work completed on Youth House.

Since 2013 Rev. Rick Brown has led our church with emphasis on Gospel, service and pastoral care, added short term Bible Studies and a focus on youth missions.  "Rev Bev" Colombo arrived in the summer of 2014 as Minister of Youth, Families and Creative Worship and has begun the Quest Program and Life Group and greater participation in worship.  We cherish this history and are grateful for our dedicated leaders and strive to uphold our mission: