First United Methodist Church of Jupiter-Tequesta
Sunday, June 02, 2024

Ministry Outreach


At First United Methodist Church Jupiter-Tequesta we work hard to provide members a chance to become involved with ministry through a number of "ports of entry."  We firmly believe that God calls each of us to "add salt to the earth" by offering our time and talent.  From Christian Education to serving soup; from singing in a choir to fixing a meal for someone who just experienced a death; from participating in Vacation Bible School activities to being an usher, there are many ways to make your church life rich.  Take a moment to determine which ministries peak your interest.


Christian Education

Christian Education provides opportunities for growth through study and experience.  Nowhere else can Christian Education come alive than in Sunday School.  FUMC Jupiter-Teqesta offers Sunday School for all ages at 9:00 a.m.  Sunday School Teachers are trained and equipped with active-learning and thought-provoking curriculum.  A variety of resources are used to help make the classroom come alive with joy-filled learning.  There are a number of on-going classes for adults as well as various one-time classes.  Children and youth enjoy Christian Education programs as well