First United Methodist Church
Monday, May 20, 2024
Know - Grow - Serve - Share

Small Groups
Bigger than you think!



Frequently Asked Questions



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Small Group



Start a New Small Group



Curriculum Resources


Group Life dwells at the core of Church life. Whenever we gather in the name of Jesus, the love, grace and power of God flows- shaping who we are and changing the world around us. 

Small groups connect people with shared interests and similar life circumstances. They provide Christian Community to help you feel more a part of the larger Church family. Groups are like people, wonderfully different. Some focus on study, others on activity, but all are ongoing and generally meet once a week. 

To fully experience all that HFUMC has to offer, we invite you to connect in a small group. And we’ve got a group that is just right for you!

Experience Spiritual and Personal Growth

      An authentic community is essential to your spiritual growth. God never intended for us to do life alone, but to do life together in community. In order to have growth, our groups have a balance of these five ingredients:

1.     Fellowship: This meets our need to belong and share our lives with Christian friends. 

2.     Worship: This meets our need to connect with God and share with Him our gratitude, needs and hurts.

3.     Study: This meets our need to discover the truths of the Bible and how they relate to our daily living.

4.     Accountability: this meets our need to honor life’s important commitments and rely on each other.

5.     Outreach: This meets our need to give as we have received. The journey inward needs to move outward.



“And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.”

-Matthew 18:20, The Message