Lewisburg United Methodist
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Pastor's Message


Dear Friends,  

     Welcome to Lewisburg United Methodist Church! Our prayer is that you can feel the love and Grace of God flowing from the pages of this website.  We want to extend a personal invitation to you and your family to become a part of the Lewisburg United Methodist Church (LUMC) community, as we all exalt and worship Jesus the Risen Lord.

     LUMC has a 225 year history of vital ministry in the Greenbrier Valley.  Today you will find a broad range of ministry opportunities offering everyone a place to utilize their God-given talents and graces.  We seek to live out Jesus' Great Commission of seeking the least, the last, and the lost, that all may know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

     We seek to lift up Christ and Him crucified, being raised from the dead to restore the brokenness and destruction sin has brought to humanity.  We seek to live out the Grace of God in our daily lives knowing that in all things, God's Grace is sufficient.  God desires every born again believer to live a victorious, abundant life in Christ, regardless of the situation we find ourselves in.

     If you live in the Greenbrier Valley, consider becoming a part of this dynamic church.  Come worship with us.  In addition to the Sunday morning worship services offered at 9am and 11am, there are many opportunities to participate in small groups, ministry projects and mission teams.  LUMC is a church on the move for the cause of Jesus Christ.  Come catch the Holy Spirit Fire that will bring glory to God!  We are located in beautiful downtown Lewisburg on 1133 Washington Street East.  Please do not hesitate to contact us; we would be delighted to minister to you!

     The Grace of God be with you.


Rev. Rick Brown

Senior Pastor