New Providence Presbyterian Church - Maryville, TN
Saturday, September 28, 2024
New Providence
Presbyterian Church
703 West Broadway Avenue
Maryville, TN 37801
Worship Services @ NPPC
9:00 a.m. FirstLight
11:05 a.m. Traditional
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Stained Glass


The stained, leaded glass windows envisioned by the Reverend Thomas A. Graham, minister, and executed by P. J. Reeves Studio, Philadelphia, are considered art treasures. Given by members in memory of loved ones, they tell the story of faith not only of biblical character, but of men and women who have helped make our church strong and vital.
Window 1
East Aisle
Window One:
David Livingstone, pioneer missionary and explorer of Africa. North medallion of Livingstone as a boy studying at the loom in Scotland. In the south medallion he is seen at the time of his death kneeling in prayer.
In memory of: Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Tyndale Wilson
Dr. Samuel Tyndale Wilson, fifth president of Maryville College served twenty-nine years from 1901-1930. Dr. and Mrs. Wilson and their six children lived for many years at Willard House on the campus, all active in the church and college activities. Miss Lois Wilson continues to live in Maryville after serving 40 years as a missionary in Lebanon.
Window 2
Window Two:
John Knox with the Bible. The north medallion shows him meeting with Calvin in Geneva, -the south, denouncing Mary Queen of Scots.
In memory of: Lilly Elizabeth Koella
Living in Basel, Switzerland, and a member of the Reformed Protestant Church, she was educated in Switzerland and England. A frequent visitor to her brother, Ernest Koella, Sr., founder of the Rockford Manufacturing Company, one of her last gestures of good will toward this country was befriending American G. I.'s stationed in Basel in WWII.
Window 3 thumbnail
Window Three:
Paul with the sword in the central figure. The north medallion shows his vision on the Damascus Road, -the south medallion as a prisoner before Agrippa.
In memory of: Mark Blaine Crum
Graduated from Maryville College in 1917, and a major in the National Guard, he was seriously wounded in WWI. Upon recovery and marrying Margaret Buxton, he established the Crum Insurance Agency here. The father of a daughter, Peggy Crum Crosby, he served as a deacon and an elder of New Providence.
Window 4 thumbnail
Window Four:
Stephen with palm in hand in the center. North medallion shows Stephen preaching, -in south medallion he is being stoned.
In memory of: Oscar Rankin Profit
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Proffitt, brother of Charlotte Proffitt Paxton and Walter Proffitt. Not subject to the draft in WWII because of childhood polio, he volunteered for the air force while a student at Maryville College. He was killed February 24, 1944, when flying out of Italy over northern Yugoslavia as a navigator in a B-17 (Flying Fortress).
East Window thumbnail
East Transept Window:
Mary Magdalene, flanked by angels on either side, symbols of the Resurrection.
In memory of: Benjamin Horace Brown
Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brown, Sr., brother of Mary Brown Smith and T. H. Brown, Jr. He was a graduate of Maryville College and Duke University Law School. After army demobilization, he was killed on February 17, 1946, when flying with a friend over the family farm.
Great Window thumbnail
The Great Window:
The great window of five lancet arches at the rear of the chancel, above the reredos, has Christ the King as the central figure with Matthew and Mark on the left and Luke and John on the right. Above is the Lamb of God. Below, at the far left, is a scene of Christ in the garden, and at the far right are the women and the angel at the tomb.
The Last Supper is in the center. Spotlights illumine the central window for night viewing and special services in the sanctuary.
In memory of: The Reverend Thomas A. Graham, D.D. Born in Airdie, Scotland, in 1903, "Tommy" migrated to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1923. There he found employment and, on June 1, 1927, married Marion "Masie" Rowan.
He worked his way through Carroll College during the great depression, served as pastor of two small churches and as director of a church choir in Milwaukee. He graduated summa cum laude in 1936 and entered McCormick Theological Seminary where, upon graduating, he was awarded the Bernardine Orme Smith Fellowship for study in Edinburgh. The outbreak of WWII prevented travel to Europe so he relinquished the fellowship, taught Bible and English at Carroll College and later accepted a call to the Pioneer Church in Marinette, Wisconsin. He was called to New Providence in January of 1945.
A gifted oratorical preacher, he gave much time to counseling college students and to our three mission churches in addition to his pastoral duties.
Working closely with the building committee for the new church, he planned and designed the stained glass windows which greatly helped the craftsmen who constructed them.
Upon his premature death on November 28, 1952, before the completion of the building, the congregation gave the chancel window in his memory.
West Window thumbnail
West Transept Window:
Abraham with angel, symbol of God's direction, and with Isaac whom he is willing to sacrifice.
In memory of: Members and Marshall Magill Family The Reverend and Mrs. Charles Magill, missionaries to the Philippines for 40 years (1905-1945), both of whom died in concentration camps, he just four days before liberation.
Jessie Magill Jones and her husband, the Reverend Robert Jones, served as missionaries to Siam for 20 years (1899-1919).
Harriet ("Hattie") magill McIlvaine and her husband Joseph J. McIlvaine, a native Irishman and Blount County Farmer.
Window 5 thumbnail
West Aisle
Window Five:
Moses with the ten commandments in tablets of stone, flanked by water from the rock in the north medallion and the burning bush in the south.
In memory of: Our Founders The Reverend Gideon Blackburn, D.D., was our first minister serving from 1792-1810. At the same time he served Eusebia Church and was the first missionary to the Cherokee Indians. He established numerous schools and churches, including Blackburn College, Carlinville, Illinois.
The Reverend Isaac Anderson, D.D., succeeded Dr. Blackburn in 1812 at age 32 and remained here for the rest of his life. He saw the church grow from 209, the year he came, to 788 in 1835. He preached as many as 200 sermons a year while also serving as President of Maryville College which he founded in 1819.
Window 6 thumbnail
Window Six:
David with his harp. South medallion is David, the shepherd boy. The North is David and Jonathan.
In memory of: N. W. Profitt and his wife Alice.
In 1899 Nicholas ("Nick") Proffitt, a farmer, came by wagon, -his wife and five children by train - to Blount County seeking educational advantages offered by Maryville College. A sixth child, David Wilson Proffitt, was born on the farm they acquired west of town. Later all six children were educated at the college and they, and twenty-three grandchildren became members of New Providence.
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Window Seven:
As fed by the ravens (north medallion) and as the Lord's fire consumed the offering (south medallion).
In memory of Eleanor Brickey LeQuire.
Born May 24, 1885, at Tuckaleechee, she married G. D. LeQuire, M.D. in 1906. Among her outstanding qualities was the ability to listen, whether the content of the conversation was good or bad, and then follow up with genuine helpfulness, spiced with a great sense of humor. The Epitome of the Biblical "Helpmeet", she is said to have operated Blount County's first answering service. Her artistry and humor were reflected by the caricatures she drew of the famous (and not so famous).
Eleanor B. LeQuire died in 1948 leaving her husband; sons Dr. C. B. LeQuire, Paul D. LeQuire, Dr. V. S. LeQuire; and daughters Faye L. Kenst and Reba L. McCrosky.
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Window Eight:
North medallion is a scene symbolic of his prophecy, "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd", and south, the setting for the prophecy, "Behold a virgin...shall bear a son".
In memory of: Fred Lowery Profitt.
He and his wife, Estelle Snodgrass, were teachers in the preparatory department at the college. Elected college treasurer and recorder of the directors in 1914, he held the position until his death in 1943. The father of three daughters, Louise (Mrs. Wayne F.) Haviland, Ruth (Mrs. William F.) MacCalmont, and Grace (Mrs. David L.) McArthur. He was building committee chairman of the church annex 1913-1916, superintendent of the church school, and elder.
Rose Window thumbnail
The Rose Window
Above the Broadway entrance, the window shows the ruby reds and deep blues when the sun energized it by day. At night a timer regulates artificial illumination which keeps it glowing.
In memory of: James and Lula Harrison Callaway whose children were Anna Bell, Elizabeth, Henry, Joe, Lavinia Lea, Lula, and Thomas.