First United Methodist Church
Monday, May 20, 2024
Know - Grow - Serve - Share

Sunday School Classes

Newcomers Class (M-207) (contact Randy Goodman, 824-8725, ext. 1011) Join us for this 4-week class where staff members and other leaders in our church introduce newcomers to Methodist history and beliefs and the ministries of our church. Enjoy meeting other new people, too!  This class meets in the Spring and Fall each year.

Young Adults
Pathfinders (AW-231/232; contact Keith Waller, 615-293-9960 Composed of growing families, young married couples and singles from late 20s to 40s, our class members lead us in studying Bible-based curriculum, which always generates lively and interesting discussion. We support various mission projects and enjoy seasonal social activities and monthly "Girls' & Guys’ Nights Out." Visitors and new members are always welcome! Come join us!  Visit the class website here - Pathfinders Homepage!
(CW-160; contact Lauren Batson, 826-0612) We are composed of singles, young married and growing families (30’s - 40’s). Taught by several of our own members, our Bible-based curriculum is designed to create discussion. We are energetic, with community service, church-related and social activities each month.
Middle and Mixed Ages
Journeys (M-307; contact James or Christy Roberson, 264-2007) Join us for purpose-driven journeys as we share with ourselves and others.  Experience the voyage through discussions, powerpoint presentations, and a few guest teachers.  Following the Great Adventure plan, we study ways to connect, grow, serve, share, and worship.  A diverse group of mostly 30's - 50's age, we invite anyone interested in journeying with us!!

Genesis (CLC-150 Genesis Hall; contact Laura Beeler, 948-1533,
This class seeks to develop a personal relationship with God through scripture based curriculum and engages in discussions that apply to our daily lives.  We are a diverse group of couples and singles (40- to 70-something in age) at varying stages of family life.  Genesis members support each other in many ways, and we enjoy social activities and completing mission projects together.
Salome Women’s Class (AW-235; contact Pam Russell, 826-7790) Our class is composed of women from all generations. Join us as we share concerns, prayers and support for each other; are led by class members in discussion of thought provoking, Bible based topics; participate in mission projects; and enjoy great food!

Serenity (AW-132 Conference Room; Contact
Merrilee Wineinger 824-8725, ext. 1019) Come share your experience, strength, and hope as we study Christianity through the lens of the twelve-step principles of recovery. Class discussions are centered on reading spiritual bestsellers. Call or email to learn what books are currently on our reading list.
Good News (AW-233; contact Connie Stewart 338-0369, Karen Tugwell 604-5647)  Couples and singles, ranging in age from mid-thirties to fifties, we enjoy Christian fellowship, church involvement and award winning participation in the annual Relay for Life. We study Christ focused, UM approved curriculum led by various class members.

Agape (M-220; contact Nancy Hunt, 824-1056) You’re invited to study the Bible with us, as we explore scripture from a historical perspective, as well as how the word of God impacts us individually and corporately today. If you are 18 – 88, married or single, please join us for fellowship, discussion and sharing.

Friendship (CLC-251; contact Becky Coffey, 824-4867) Members are 50+ in age, spouses optional. Studies, ranging from inter-relationships to the Bible itself, are led by class members and guest teachers. We enjoy work projects to help those in need, getting together for a variety of social outings, and each other’s “friendship.” Visitors welcome!

Grace (M-221; contact Sue Groves, 826-7338) We are a discussion-based class for singles and couples of all ages who want to explore different understandings on issues of faith. Using contemporary books and videos by various theologians, we discuss what our faith as Christians really means and how we can live our faith amidst the challenges in today’s world. Come grow in faith with us.

Middle to Senior Ages
Searchers (CLC-253; contact Martha Woods, 206-9577) Singles and couples of all ages are welcome. Ray Whitley leads exciting discussions in our study of the Bible as we search for a deeper understanding of God's will and its relevance to daily life. We enjoy getting together socially, are involved in many service projects, and sponsor a community-wide ballroom dance in January. We extend an open invitation to anyone who would like to come join us!

Poe Williams (CLC-250; contact Gail Scott, 824-7590) We are primarily empty nesters (age 50+) with adult children and a growing number of grandchildren. Our teachers provide us with thought provoking, biblically based lessons that tie in to modern day living. Our members serve in many capacities in our church and never turn a deaf ear to needs in our church or community. We enjoy several socials a year and always welcome new members.

(M-209; contact Margaret Alexander, 822-1750) We are composed of about 25 single and married members, mostly above 50 years old. Our teacher Dee Hinkle leads us in studies decided upon by the class. We support Room In The Inn, Salvation Army and other mission projects, and enjoy several social events during the year.

Companions (CLC-255; contact Jerry Taylor, 824-0732) We have 70+ members, ages 60+ and are delighted to welcome newcomers. Our class members and teacher Harriett Hurdle,select the study materials. Open discussion is encouraged and inevitably leads to lively and thought-provoking discourse. We have a strong missions outreach and a great social program. Our primary goal is ministry to one another and those in need beyond our church doors.

Followers (M-210; contact Martha Benét Holt, 262-0669) We study the Adult Bible Studies series,led by Ken Cox, Goldman Freeland and Alan Morris. We are a mixture of singles and couples, and most are grandparents. Our class helps with Room in the Inn and the Hendersonville Samaritan Center. Many of our retired members volunteer regularly in the church office and provide rides for the transportation ministry. We have four socials a year and occasional retreats, and we welcome new members.

Fellowship (contact Jon Welty, 264-0738) Members are singles and couples age 75+. Jon Welty, Diane Duncan and guest instructors teach us from the Adult Bible Studies lecture style, with questions that help us apply it to our lives. We support various worthy causes and each other with card, telephone, and food ministry programs. We enjoy seasonal gatherings together. Come join us!