First United Methodist Church
Monday, June 03, 2024
Know - Grow - Serve - Share

How to Join

What Membership Means
Everyone is welcome to participate fully in the ministries of Hendersonville First United Methodist Church and share in the love and support of our congregation and staff. 
The first step toward membership is saying “yes” to the love and forgiveness of God and making Jesus Christ Lord of your life. When you are ready to make the commitment, the next step is to join the church. United Methodist pastor, Adam Hamilton, compares making the decision to become a member with making the decision to marry. You reach a point where your heart is ready to “be joined.” Church membership says, “This is my church. I want to serve God here as I grow in my faith. I accept responsibility and commit myself to her mission, vision and ministry.”
Because we want to follow Jesus, we “apprentice” ourselves to him.  Practicing five habits that he taught us helps us experience God, grow in our faith and make a difference in the church and the world for him:
CONNECT with God through private prayer and devotions and connect with other seekers in a small group (e.g., covenant groups, Sunday school classes.)
GROW in knowledge and in love. Do something each year to grow in your faith understanding (Bible study, short-term classes, self study, Sunday school, retreats) and commit to practice the love lessons you learn, starting in your own family.
SERVE in the church and beyond the church. Every baptized member is called to be in ministry—anything from teaching Sunday school to sending cards to people who are sick to lobbying for the poor. Find your place to serve.
SHARE your resources by giving financially in proportion to your income with the goal of tithing and share your faith, your story and your church with the people God puts in your life.
WORSHIP God by yielding your life to God and by attending worship every week. Praise and glorify God with your life and your presence.
How to Join
You may join Hendersonville First United Methodist Church in one of the following ways:
By Baptism
The sacrament of baptism marks you as Christ’s own and initiates you into the family of Christ. In baptism, you accept the gift of God’s love and the new life that God has been yearning to give you. Classes to discuss the meaning of baptism for yourself or your child are scheduled several times a year to help you understand the step you are taking. To sign up for Baptism Class and schedule your baptism, contact Rev. Amanda Diamond at 824-8725, ext. 1033 or Adults and children who are old enough to make this decision for themselves will profess their faith in Jesus Christ and his church at the time of their baptism. Parents will answer for infants baptized in our church. 
By Profession of Faith
(or Reaffirmation of Faith)**
If you have never publicly professed your faith in Jesus Christ, we encourage you to do so. If you have not previously been baptized, you will also receive that sacrament at the time you profess your faith and join the church. One of our pastors will discuss this with you before scheduling a time in one of our worship services to commit your life to Christ and join our congregation.

**If you have been away from church for some time, you may want to publicly reaffirm your faith with a fresh start.
By Transfer
We accept your baptism from any Christian church and do not repeat this sacrament. You will simply be asked to respond to the following vows during one of our worship services: 
From another Christian denomination:
“As a member of Christ’s universal church, will you be loyal to The United Methodist Church, and do all in your power to strengthen its ministries?”
From another denomination or another United Methodist Church:
“As a member of this congregation, will you faithfully participate in its ministries with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and your witness?”
Commonly Asked Questions
Do I have to be baptized?
In the sacrament of baptism you accept the gift of God’s self-giving love and the new life that God has been yearning to give you. Baptism marks you as Christ’s own and initiates you into the family of Christ. In baptism you receive God’s call on your life. If you haven’t previously been baptized, you will receive this sacrament when you join our church.
Who do we baptize?
We baptize infants, children and adults. We do not baptize persons who have already been baptized because we believe that God is the main actor in baptism and God’s work does not need to be redone. We do provide the opportunity to reaffirm our baptismal vows.
May I join privately?
Becoming a member of this congregation is a commitment to a spiritual family. With it comes belonging and pledges of mutual love and support. For that reason, the act of joining your new church family is a public one, in their midst.
If you have other questions, feel free to talk with any of our pastors. Please don’t be hesitant. We welcome you with open arms.