First United Methodist Church
Monday, May 20, 2024
Know - Grow - Serve - Share

Stephen Ministry


Galatians 6:2  Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. Are you or someone you know going through a difficult time?Stephen Ministers are trained lay volunteers who listen, care, accept and walk with a person who is going through a difficult time.  They are trained in confidentiality, supervised for quality care and ready to offer God's love through a Christian caring relationship on a one-to-one basis.  They provide support - prayer, Scripture, forgiveness, unconditional acceptance - in appropriate ways to meet the needs of the person in their care. 




Stephen Ministers care for: People who are hospitalized; those grieving a death or serious loss; individuals and families of those facing serious or terminal illness; those experiencing a job loss or some business or financial crisis; prisoners; ex-offenders and their families; people who are new to the community or those in the process of leaving town; the separated or divorced and their families; households experiencing a problem pregnancy, birth or adoption; those facing a life transition; those experiencing a spiritual crisis of some sort; and more...Stephen Ministry is a free service to all church and community members.For more information about Stephen Ministry, please contact Bob Strobel at 822-8381 or Rev. Don Hutchinson at 824-8725.