First United Methodist Church
Monday, May 20, 2024
Know - Grow - Serve - Share

Volunteer Listings

Transportation Ministry
Can you help?  The Transportation Ministry needs drivers for a couple of specific situations:
Our congregation is made up of many people with many needs. We have members who wish to come to Sunday school and Worship Service but cannot drive. We also have members who need assistance during the week getting to their doctor’s appointments. The goal of theTransportation Ministry is to provide transportation to all that are in need. If you can help by occasionally volunteering your time in this way please contact Rev. Randy Goodman at 824-8725, ext. 1033 or email
Welcome Center
Would you like to work our Welcome Center during the week?  Mainly greeting our guests, directing them where they need to go and answering telephones.  The hours of volunteer opportunity are 12-2 M-Th and 2-3 on Mondays.  Schedules are made monthly and can work with any schedule.  You can work just one day a month or as much as you want.  Contact Judith Epley at 824-8725 or email at
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
This team of “prayer warriors” prays for our members and their loved ones. If you feel called to join the Prayer Ministry team we are currently seeking volunteer co-ordinator(s) and members. This volunteer opportunity may be done at home. For more information, please contact Rev. Randy Goodman at  824-8725, ext. 1033 or email
Newsletter Preparation
Join a team of volunteers once a month for a couple of hours and help prepare our newsletter for mailing.  Contact Larry Nelson at 824-8725, ext. 1010 or for more information.   No experience needed!