First United Methodist Church
Monday, May 20, 2024
Know - Grow - Serve - Share

Men's Ministry
There are many places for men and First United Methodist Church happens to be one of those places. Men here are about the business of being dedicated to God, our work, families, friends, church, and community. But, we're also making it our business to build - that is, to build the kingdom of God. 
We are not only searching for more men, but 'more of' men. And we'll do what it takes - camp, canoe, golf, fish, hunt, fry turkeys, and encourage small group activities - to find men that are wild at heart for God. We are dedicated to help men become better fathers, husbands, friends, and role models.
Here is where we stand today:
 - Small groups:  Check out small group opportunities on the church's website for dates/times for specifics on men*s small group opportunities.
 - Sporting events: (hockey and baseball nights)
 - Providing help to church and the community through our small groups outreach
Stay tuned, we're about to grow! In the meantime, see one of us for information on where we stand today and where we plan on going. 



Contact the following men for more information:
Todd Batson - 708-1868

Joe Beaver - 804-4321

Tommy Kirkpatrick 406-5824

James Roberson 426-0917

Mark Ware - 957-2526

We'll be calling on you to help us build!

Hebrews 3:4 "For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything."