First United Methodist Church
Monday, May 20, 2024
Know - Grow - Serve - Share

Mission & Outreach Ministry


Hendersonville First United Methodist Church is made up of caring people who try hard to respond to the needs of our brothers.  There are a wide variety of ways to join in Christian response.  Our Sunday School classes, UM Women, UM Men and our Youth group each have their own projects where the response is both time and/or money. 

Through our Mission Committee, we give money to the UMC sponsored national & international needs.  Locally, we donate money, serve on boards or volunteer time to help those around us.  Within our church we respond in mission with money, prayers and practical services, when a member is in need. Randy Goodman is our staff contact and Ben Daly is chairperson.

Please click on the following links to see a listing of our Mission Outreach programs.



Our Church
Joseph's Hands, Pull-tab Collection, Thanksgiving & Christmas Fund, Room In The Inn, etc.

Fort Campbell Outreach, Golden Cross, Home Bound Meals Program, Children Are People, HomeSafe, Community Cares, Miriam's Promise, Samaritan Center, 61st Avenue UMC, etc.

Native American, Red Bird Missions, Bethlehem Center, Katrina Missions, etc.

World Hunger, Missionary Support, Hope for Children in Africa, Kamina & Uganda Orphanages, etc.