First United Methodist Church
Monday, May 20, 2024
Know - Grow - Serve - Share

For past Newcomers Class Attendees: The Newcomers Class was __________ to me in learning about the programs and ministries at HFUMC.

Adult Ministry

Adult Sunday School Classes
If you have just joined our church family or are visiting Hendersonville First United Methodist Church, you may be interested in becoming part of an Adult Sunday School Class. Its a great way to meet new friends, to find support and encouragement in your life journey, and to learn more about the Bible. Our Sunday School classes are one of the great strengths of the church. Whatever group you choose, it will be a fun, faith-building experience. Take a moment to check out the various groups that are listed by clicking on the link below.  They are designed to meet a variety of needs and expectations. If you are looking for an older class or younger class, a womens class, or a strong Biblical emphasis,you will find it here. Classes meet during the Sunday School hour, immediately following the early worship service around 9:30 a.m. and conclude around 10:30 to 10:45 a.m.
Adult Ministries & Spiritual Formation
We have active and growing small groups that provide an intimate and supportive place for people who seek to grow in faith and Christ-likeness.  >more details
Retreats & Special Events

Annual Family Retreat
If you're single, know that family means the whole church family. And whatever age you are, know that your age is included. The retreat is a Sabbath weekend, a get-away time to relax and renew. We renew and refill our spirits. We laugh and share. We walk in the beauty of nature and throw rocks in the creek. We learn. Things are planned for all ages, and time off is built into the schedule.

Walk to Emmaus
We encourage members to participate in this 72-hour off-campus event that can forever change your walk with the Lord. It is a short course in Christianity that goes deep into your mind, your heart and your soul. It is an Experience. Held every fall and spring, mens and womens walks are separate. So are events for teenaged boys & girls.  (If you are married, we strongly encourage the non-eager spouse to go as a gift to the eager spouse! Its big and you need to be able to share it.)