Thursday, September 26, 2024
Hope, Change, Healing

Covenant Partners

Hope Global Covenant Partners 
Who is a Covenant Partner?
HOPE GLOBAL COVENANT PARTNERS are regular monthly givers who pledge to assist us by financially partnering/investing with us in our important mission of inspiring, transforming and healing the world. We are sacrificing a lot for the kingdom and we invite you to sacrifice with us!
What is The One Thing We Are Asking For? 
We are asking for a commitment of $30 per month. As God continues to bless you through this covenant relationship, go ahead and increase your sowing. We encourage you to give more as the Lord leads and as “you purpose in your heart.” If God is laying in your heart to give in a significant way, go ahead and give big.
What are the Benefits of Covenant Partnership?
1. Daily prayer/intercession for your needs, your spiritual “profit”, your family and so forth.
2. When we receive your first gift, Rev. Sowa will quickly send you a personally signed powerful booklet that has greatly impacted his life all these years.
3. You will receive gifts as tokens of appreciation.
4. You will receive cards, letters, formal reports, plus informational, transformational and spiritually stimulating newsletters via email or postal service.
5. Because our Covenant Partners are our rope holders, we owe you a great amount of ministry such that the supernatural power of God that flows through Way of Hope will flow into your life.
Where Your Money Goes? 
There are many ministry areas where your money goes and below are a few: 
1. Globally communicating the gospel of hope via events, mass media, etc.
2. Training and developing transformational servant leaders globally.
3. Extending the kingdom of God in the world.
4. Youth empowerment and youth-adult mentorship to challenge them to live lives of purpose; providing compassionate need-based ministry — targeting areas such as violence, overcoming addiction, dealing with abuse, homelessness and much more.
5. Charitable efforts that are characterized by need-based, social action, plus global and local compassionate initiatives. 
Who Can Give? 
Christians, non-Christians, donors, major donors, non-donors, members, churches, ministers, ministries, family, close friends, friends, social media followers, acquaintances, referrals, strangers – everybody. 
We are asking that you join us to do this together, because without you it will be good…. With you however…it will be GREAT! We need you! 
"So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; 
for God loves a cheerful giver" (II Corinthians 9:7).             
Donate safely and securely by credit or debit card