Lewisburg United Methodist
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Mission Ministry

Mission Ministry
“So if I, your LORD and teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.”
- John 13:14-15
Jesus’ model of washing the disciples’ feet calls us to not only be involved in worship, fellowship, and Bible study, but to use our gifts and talents in ministry and mission. God’s gifts are richly diverse for a variety of services. We are all made for ministry, and we strive to equip and send out our people in mission.
LUMC celebrates its ministry within the churchcommunitystate, nation, and world(Click to go straight to that section)
When we join the church, we pledge to support LUMC with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness. The ministries featured here are the ways in which we reach out to others as the Body of Christ.
Please explore the following webpages for an idea of our ministries—and then get involved in hands-on ministry! Contact the church office or one of the leaders of these groups to participate in one of the projects or on-going ministries. 
If you feel called to a ministry not listed here, then please call one of the pastors and we will support you in that process. God is continually opening our minds and hearts to the needs of the world and how we can be in ministry with all of God’s children.
LUMC Groups Engaged in Missions
  • Care Team - nursing home and shut-in visitation, large-print Bibles, resources for those hurting or grieving
  • Evangelism Team - reaching out to the community, first-time visitors to LUMC, and new members
  • United Methodist Youth Fellowship - Sr. High mission trip, individual mission trips through Volunteers in Mission and Mission of Peace, Lewisburg Food Locker, lessons on homelessness and poverty, Wellspring Mission Days, nursing home visits & cards, money for the Youth Service Fund
  • United Methodist Men (UMM) – hands-on work in Greenbrier County includes building wheelchair accessible ramps and helping Wellspring with building renovation/repair at an overnight shelter for men
  • United Methodist Women (UMW) – missions include hosting the bloodmobile, supporting the Greenbrier Youth Camp, Family Refuge Center, Penny Pitch, Greenbrier East and West Project Graduations, United Way, Shepherd's CenterJoyful Noise After School Program, Habitat for Humanity, Snack-in-Packs weekend lunch program, and Child Advocacy. In addition to giving to the community, the UMW also contributes to the WV Conference UMW Missions, Dorothy Lee Fund, World Thank Offering, Candle Burning, Brighter Future/Child and Youth, and many more. The UMW circles also prepare meals for bereaved families, anniversary celebrations, and farewell and welcoming receptions.
  • Van Ministry - the church van is available to pick up folks who wish to attend either of the Sunday morning worship services; call the church office (645-2727) for a ride
  • Televised Worship services daily on Cable Channel 5
  • We also host the following groups at LUMC: Lewisburg Farmer's MarketBoy ScoutsLions Club, and many other civic groups.
The Mission Team coordinates the fundraising and mission work of the church.  They provide money, products, gifts, and Christian volunteers to the city, county, state, nation and world. The LUMC mission team works closely with the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) through Advance Special projects (the United Methodist designated giving program in which 100% of your donation goes directly to the intended project).  They also encourage LUMC members to go on Volunteers-in-Mission (VIM) Trips through the WV Annual Conference.
The LUMC Mission Team makes individual and group mission trips possible, and they support local, regional, national, and global mission work.  They promote missions within the congregation by communicating the call of God and the work of the United Methodist Church around the world.  They encourage and inspire us to give our time, resources, talents, and prayers to what God is doing in the world.  Will you join us? Click here for current mission projects. 
Locally (within Lewisburg and Greenbrier County)
  • Lewisburg Food Locker
  • Nursing home ministries
  • Family Refuge Center
  • Wellspring of Greenbrier, Inc --- Share the Warmth, Adopt a Family, School Supplies
  • Snacks in Packs
  • Supply GEHS with school supplies
      •  Support Missionaries within West Virginia
                (Volunteers in Mission)
                Carol Duffield (Upshur Parish House)
                Kathleen Masters (Mary's Cradle, Bluefield) *Covenant Relationship*
      •  Support Mission Agencies related to the West Virginia Annual Conference:
                Community Development Outreach Ministries (CDOM) (Charleston) 
                Ebenezer Community Outreach Center (Huntington) 
                Heart and Hand House (Philippi) 
                House of Carpenter (Wheeling) 
                McDowell Mission - gave money and school supplies (Previously, we've sent mission teams as well)
                Scott's Run Settlement House (Osage, near Morgantown) - gave money and pillows for daycare
                Tyrand Cooperative Ministries (Mill Creek, Randolph County) 
                Upshur Parish (Buckhannon)
      •  Support Other WV Missions
                Greater Clarksburg Cooperative Parish - gave money
                Mary’s Cradle (Bluefield) - gave money and baby gifts
                         - Support covenant missionary Kathleen Masters
      •  Celebration of Mission Event (C.O.M.E.)
      •  Greenbrier District Disaster Relief Trailer
United States
      •  Red Bird Mission Team (Senior High Youth Group)
      •  New Orleans Volunteers in Mission (VIM) Team
      •  Louisiana - gave money to buy new microwave
      •  East Bank Station - work team supplies

      •  Mississippi - supported Nick Carson on a mission trip
                         - paid for building supplies
      •  Kansas - support tornado victims
      •  Indian reservation in Arizona - gave money to buy a wood stove and food basket
Around the World
      •  Cuba - supported Connor Kenaston on a Mission of Peace
      •  Nothing but Nets - local basketball tournament to make malaria history
      •  Mexico - money to flood/hurricane victims
      •  Project Chacocente, Nicaragua - bought library books
                         - supported Diane Kenaston on a month-long mission
      •  Brazil - supported Pastor Liz Yost on a mission trip
      •  Russian Orphanages - supported Audra Wagaman and Jennie Johnson on a Volunteers-in-Mission (VIM) trip