Lewisburg United Methodist
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sunday School

 Sunday School Classes 
Lewisburg United Methodist Church offers Sunday School classes for all ages! 
Classes are held from 10:00am -10:45am.
nursery is always provided.
 The Wesley Sunday School Class is primarily middle aged adults in their 50’s and 60’s and energetic 70's. They are a very active class that rotates teachers and subject matter throughout the year. They always have breakfast and a great discussion. 
The Singles Sunday School Class, known as PALS (People Alone Living Spiritually) enjoys study, fellowship and breakfast together as well as many social activities throughout the year. Leader for this class is Bev Engle. Class is mostly fifty/sixty somethings and meets in the church parlor at 10:00am.
The Christian Home Studies Sunday School Class is composed of mature adults. This class focuses strongly upon the care of others. They visit homebound persons and those in nursing homes. Many folks receive cards from this class and they give special care to those who need some extra attention around the holidays. This class rotates teachers and is a large, active class.
The Willing Workers Sunday School Class is attended by a group of mature women who rotate leadership throughout the year.
*Greeters and Ushers are happy to help you find a Sunday School Class.