Lewisburg United Methodist
Saturday, October 19, 2024

Nursery Ministry

The Nursery Program of the Lewisburg United Methodist Church
Welcome and Introduction
We welcome you and your little one to the childcare programs and ministries of Lewisburg UMC. We seek to offer childcare during worship and any other church activity during which childcare  is needed. 
On Sunday mornings, the nursery is open to children 5 years of age and younger during both worship services (9:00am and 11:00am) and during the Sunday School hour (10:00am). 
The nursery is also open throughout the week for various Bible Studies, Fellowship Groups, Special Worship Services and Ministry Team meetings when persons within the various groups need childcare for their children.

We also ask that you, as the parent, sign your child out of the nursery.  Please do not send older siblings to sign your child out.
Information Cards
All parents are asked to fill out an information card. This lets the childcare providers know important information (such as allergies) regarding the care of your child. Please help us keep your child’s information up to date. 
Pagers are given to parents when they arrive in the nursery.  If your child needs you, becomes upset or becomes ill, the nursery staff will page you.  Your pager will vibrate, alerting you that you are needed in the nursery.  So, you can relax during worship, Sunday School and other church activities knowing that that nursery will be be able to contact you immediately should your child need you.
Nursery Snacks
We have a limited supply of snacks in the nursery.  We take into consideration food allergies.  If your child requires feeding (as with a bottle) while in the nursery, please supply the caregiver with explicit instructions.
Sick Children
We ask that you do not bring a sick child to the nursery.  Some signs of childhood illnesses include: coughing, sneezing, runny noses and eyes, fevers, vomiting and fatigue.  We also encourage you to notify the nursery staff should your child contract a common childhood disease such as chicken pox, so that we may inform other parents of possible exposure.
Should your child become ill while in the nursery, our staff will notify you immediately.
Certain behaviors (for the safety of all children present) are not permitted.  Biting, kicking or hitting are impermissible at all times.  Consequences for such behavior first includes a warning and then a time-out.  If this behavior persists, then the staff is obligated (based on discretion and maturity) to notify the parents of the child.
What to Bring?     
If your child requires the use of diapers, we ask that you supply one diaper for each hour he/she will be in the nursery.  A minimum of two diapers is suggested. If your child uses a bottle or sippy cup, please bring that as well.  A lovey or special comfort item is also welcome.  Please be sure to label all items, including the diaper bag, with your child's name.  
How you can help
The nursery uses a rotating team of volunteers in addition to the paid staff.  Volunteers assist in the nursery on Sunday mornings.  If you would like to become a nursery volunteer, please contact the church office for more information.

Presently, our nursery is staffed with a core of strong volunteers from our church family and three paid staff persons. The paid staff members are easily recognizable in their staff t-shirts.
Comments and Feedback

We continually welcome your comments and feedback. Should you have a concern, please bring your concern to the awareness of Bev Colombo, Minister of Children and Christian Formation, one of the pastors, or one of the nursery staff members. Thank you. It is our hope to continually provide a safe, secure and nurturing environment for your child.