Walkersville United Methodist Church
Thursday, September 26, 2024
22 Main Street, Walkersville, Maryland 21793

301-845-9860 (OFFICE)              301-845-9863 (FAX)

Our Sunday Services
8:15- Communion Service
9:30- Traditional Service
11:00- Praise Worship


Next deadline for your announcement, or news

getting into the next Saddlebag is the 15th of the month.

Bring it to the church office, or email it to secretary@walkersvilleumc.org


If you would like to receive the SADDLEBAG by e-mail, please send your e-mail address to secretary@walkersvilleumc.org 




Beginning with the New Year, 2019, ALL announcements and updates MUST be submitted by email prior to NOON on Tuesdays! This is a FIRM deadline. Any information received after Tuesday will have to wait until the following week. All announcements must have a clear ending date. Email the information to Maryalice at secretary@walkersvilleumc.org



Visit our Facebook Page...

Upcoming Events & Happenin's


Sunday, May 19th 6:30-8:30 MS and HS Youth Group


Sunday, May 26th Memorial Weekend No Youth Group.


Just a heads up.  We are planning to have a Murder Mystery Party for both youth groups. 

Details are being worked out now.  Stay Tuned.


Contact me if you have any questions or comments.

Rhonda Ramsburg

Director of Youth Ministries

Walkersville United Methodist Church

(240) 409-1984 Cell




We are requesting that each Sunday, our families bring in non-perishable food items (cereal, soup, etc.) for our local food bank.  This summer, the Food Bank is in need of peanut butter, spaghetti sauce and toilet paper. 

Egg cartons are needed to re-package bulk eggs for the families.  

All donations will be brought up to the altar and blessed prior to being delivered to the Glade Valley Food Bank.


Calling all 2019 ASPer's

Our 20th Anniversary ASP Team is gearin up. Please contact me if you have any questions at youthleader@walkersvilleumc.org or (240) 409-1984.  Thank you Rhonda Ramsburg. Our trip date is July 14-20, 2019.


More information will be available the closer we get to summertime.



Come be a part of something really cool.

 We are in need of helpers for Sunday School.

It's easy & fun.

Contact Paula Brockman, or Nancy Jones for more info.

   We have great children here at WUMC, so come over and join us.

Sunday School is ongoing, See ya there!




Every Sunday 10:30 am in Georgetown Hall.
Come join our Team.
You can be the Host, or Hostess of this event.


If you would like to join us, please contact the church office.

The job consists of arriving about 20 minutes early to start the coffee and 'prep' the snacks and then leaving the service just before the final benediction to set the coffee and snacks out.




Outreach Opportunities in our Community

Many people have expressed an interest on how to serve others in our community.

Here is a list of programs that welcome help...


GVCS Food Bank

Located in basement of Walkersville Town Hall. Food Bank is open Monday evenings and Thursday afternoons, but volunteers are also needed throughout the week for food pickups and unloading.  

Contact Juan McCoy, volunteer coordinator, at Juan.McCoy@comcast.net or call the Food Bank at 301-845-4229.

Food Bank Wish List

Canned soup, Peanut butter, Toilet paper, Hamburger Helper, Canned pasta, Spaghetti and other pastas, Spaghetti sauce, Baked beans, and Canned fruit.

Walmart Gift Cards are also welcomed


GVCS Thrift Shop

Located in basement of St. Paul’s Assembly Hall in Walkersville.

Volunteers are needed for a couple of hours or regular weekly schedule Saturdays.

Contact Maryanne Schouw at 301-788-7472 or 301-845-4126.


Volunteers Needed to run the Thrift Shop - WUMC is once again taking its turn in running the GVCS Thrift Shop.  We will be looking for volunteers to run the shop each Saturday in April.  At least 2 people are needed each week.  The shop runs from 10:00-2:00, but volunteers need to be there no later than 9:45 to set up.  The tasks involved include opening and closing, hanging clothes, exchange of the money, and emptying a dehumidifier. 

If you’re willing to help contact Kathy Barret at 301-606-3119 or kvbarr@aol.com., or signup on the sheet on the Missions bulletin board.


Alan P. Linton Shelter

Located at 22 Degrange Street in Frederick. 

Contact Kim at Kim@affordablechoicevacations.com to arrange a training session


Hospice of Frederick County 


for more info please call


Frederick Community Action Agency

Provides many agencies such as Food Bank, Soup Kitchen, Community Health Center, Housing First Program .

Contact Mike Spurrier at 301-600-3955


Questions?  Contact Julie Zebroski, Missions Coordinator.



Be a part of a Leadership Team Today.

Contact our church office for more information.


We will contact you with info to get started.

Get Involved and make a difference. It's a great way to be a part of something great.


2019-2020 WUMC Weekday School is enrolling students Now!

Contact Vicky Wilson, Weekday Director at (301) 845-4282.

Registration forms on this site. Click the link




Come on over & see what it's about.


-WUMC Connection Directory-

Here at WUMC we are striving to make it easier to know everyone.

We are in the process of updating our Directory information.

Please fill out the attendance pads during any of our services,

or contact the church office with your new info at 301-845-9860, or

email us...secretary@walkersvilleumc.org


Check out the directory-




The Kitchen Committee wants to thank everyone for their efforts in keeping our refrigerators and freezer so much nicer.  Keeping them cleared out really helps limit waste, clutter, as well as possible Health Department concerns.  So if you use those appliances, please continue to:

·         Use a sticky dot to label the group you’re associated with.  These dots can be found in top drawer to the right of the refrigerator.

·         Put on a date on the sticker.

·         If you had altar flowers, please get them from refrigerator within two days.

Unlabeled items will be thrown away.

  Questions?  Contact Lee Frazier, Committee Chair (301-606-4255) Thank you!




ALL members and groups holding events or meetings need to fill out a Building Usage form.

A hard copy is also available in the church office. Please fill it out and hand it in to the church office.

If you are a ‘key holder’, please make sure the door you are exiting is locked behind you.

If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Baker.


" Can I Get an AMEN?"

Amen itself is an interjection used to agree with, affirm, approve, or emphasize something else that has been said.

Thus when Jesus begins certain sayings by declaring "Amen, amen, I say to you . . . "



"Like Us" on Facebook.

Walkersville United Methodist Church

Mt Pleasant United Methodist Church

In the Event of an Emergency, Please Contact:
Pastor Mike Henning

@ 240-313-8861