New Providence Presbyterian Church - Maryville, TN
Saturday, September 28, 2024
New Providence
Presbyterian Church
703 West Broadway Avenue
Maryville, TN 37801
Worship Services @ NPPC
9:00 a.m. FirstLight
11:05 a.m. Traditional
Community Benefit Sale
August 23
September 27
October 25
November 22
December 6
January 24
February 28
March 27
April 24
May 22
June 26
Antiques and Collectibles Sale
September 27
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Donate Now


Donate Now – Operating Budget

Giving to our operating budget is a gift to the ministries we support (Welcome Table, Bartlett Adult Day Out, Porch de Salomon, Habitat for Humanity, etc.).  Giving to our budget also provides a beautiful place to worship and a staff to lead our worship.  Giving to our budget supports a thriving education department for folks of all ages.  Giving to a budget is also the less than elegant fact that it turns on the lights, pays for the phones, and heats the Sanctuary on cold January mornings.



Donate Now – Building Fund

In 2006, we launched a capital campaign to address long overdue maintenance issues and create additional space. In the intervening years, we have invested ourselves in everything from the mundane (a new roof) to the spectacular (a beautiful community gathering space). There is still work to be done, but the first priority is to eliminate the lingering debt. Your gift to this capital campaign is extremely important because it will make an immediate impact. Let’s all do what we can. Not everyone can give a substantial amount, but every gift is significant.