Children's Sunday School Lesson Schedule
9/4-Fishers of Men-Matt 4:19
9/11-Armor of God, remembering 911-Eph 6
9/18-Creation-Gen 1:1
9/25-Daniel & the Lions-Daniel 6:1
10/2-David & Golaith-1 Sam 17:24
10/9-Jonah & the Whale-Jonah 1:4-5
10/16-Esther-Esther 4:5
10/23-Harvest for Him-Lk 10:12
10/30-Harvest Blessings-Ps 107:1
11/6-Give Thanks-1 Chor 16:34
11/13-In all Circumstances-1 Thess 5:18
11/20-Give Praise-Ps 100:4
11/27-Celebrate Advent-Rom 14:5-6
12/4-Jesus is Born-Matt 1:18
12/11-The Nativity-Lk 2:1-20
12/18-Celebrate Jesus