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8/25/2013 Signs of Life

8/25/2013 Signs of Life

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Length: 00:20:37
Added: 2013-08-26
Plays: 2350
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Are you spiritually alive or spiritually dead? This is the question we looked at together on Sunday. John 6:63 tells us that, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing.” We also read later that, “He who has the Son has life, and he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.” Colossians 2:13 and following gives us a good indication of what it means to be spiritually alive. We must first Receive the Spirit. We are made alive together with Christ. This happens when we trust in Him to forgive us of our sins. Sin is a poison we are all born with. Forgiveness is an ointment or balm that heals us of the disease of sin. Instead of living in bitterness, we can learn betterness. Instead of resentment we can live a life of righteousness. Instead of being miserable and complaining we can learn to be content. Instead of gossiping and judging we can get on our knees and pray for one another. Being forgiven takes away malice, a mean spirit, and uncaring or selfish attitudes. Since we are forgiven we are to live a life of thankfulness, counting our blessings, and being satisfied with what we have. Forgiveness is the first step to being spiritually alive! Praise God that when we Receive His Spirit we are forgiven! We must now Rely on the Spirit. In our flesh dwells nothing good. We can do nothing without Him, but we can do all things through Christ who is our strength. Life is hard. It is impossible to live the life God desires for us apart from the Holy Spirit. Zechariah 4:6 says, “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts.” In our own strength, we fail. In our own power, we fall. As we seek His will, as we do His work, and as we worship Him we do it all in the power of His Holy Spirit. Because we are spiritually alive we must Rely on His Spirit. And finally, at times, we seek to be Renewed in the Spirit. We have all been through tough times. Times when we really did not know what to do. We were still spiritually alive, but just not excited about living a life of obedience to Him. Like David we needed to cry out for God to “renew a steadfast spirit within us.” The word steadfast can mean “right.” Oh God bring me back to the way it used to be. Help me to once again get excited about serving You! Renew a right spirit within me! Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation! Help me to once again feel alive in You! We are physically alive. But are we alive spiritually? Have you asked God to forgive your sin? Are you happy in your walk with Him? Is your spiritual life full of joy and celebration because you know the value of your sins being cancelled? Does the Holy Spirit inside of you control your actions? Will you today claim the victory of the cross in your life? Oh God touch our hearts and make us spiritually alive in You!