Tuesday, September 03, 2024

6+1=1; Discipleship as a Purpose of The Church

6+1=1; Discipleship as a Purpose of The Church

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Length: 00:45:40
Added: 2014-10-01
Plays: 2021
Likes: 0



We read in Acts 2:42;that they devoted themselves to the Apostles teachings." The early church, full of new converts gathered under the teachings of the Apostles to grow spiritually and learn about Jesus. And it was Jesus whom said in Matthew 4:19; "Follow me...and I will make you fishers of men." Discipleship for Christians is bore out of this understanding; that believers in Christ allow themselves to be mentored to grow spiritually. Discipleship is about building nurturing relationships for the purpose of one day seeing the person you discipled walking in faith, sharing their faith and multiplying their faith. Please listen to Pastor Joel's message from 9-28-2014 for more.