Sunday, June 30, 2024

God is Graciously at Work, and Some Are Greatly Displeased (Nehemiah 2:1-10)

God is Graciously at Work, and Some Are Greatly Displeased (Nehemiah 2:1-10)

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Length: 00:34:55
Added: 2012-03-14
Plays: 2997
Likes: 0


Some determine God's will by how easy or difficult a certain task is. If it is easy to accomplish, then God must be 'paving the way.' Nehemiah knew that God's will could be a difficult task. God's grace was on him, but he faced opposition at every turn. As we seek to follow God's will in renewal and preservation, we must determine God's will by the Scriptures (along with wisdom), not by the ease of the task we set our sights on.