Monday, June 24, 2024

O the Bliss of This Glorious Thought!...We Have Peace With God (Romans 5:1-11)

O the Bliss of This Glorious Thought!...We Have Peace With God (Romans 5:1-11)

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Length: 00:24:20
Added: 2013-10-07
Plays: 2456
Likes: 0


What is the greatest problem for us in this world? If you were to take a survey, you would receive a host of answers to this question. If you ask a group of non-Christians, it is doubtful that you would get the biblical answer: hostility toward God, and resting under His wrath. And though we are prone to attempt solutions to problems, the Bible says that we are unable and unwilling to end our hostility toward God. But the Bible also teaches us this glorious truth: God has ended the hostility through Jesus Christ for those who believe. In Christ, we finally have peace with God.