Thursday, January 23, 2025
Fred ThompsonMedia Statistics:Files: 46 Plays: 1118511 Likes: 58
Media1 - 10 of 46
Holiness: Living a Life Pleasing to GodThe book of Leviticus is difficult to read. However, one message stands out clearly - one cannot have a relationship with God without a pure holy life. The only way we can do that is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
Plays: 30201
The Tabernacle: God's Presence Meeting Our Need to WorshipExodus 33 and 40 give us details about the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was to represent God's presence and provide a place for worship. The ultimate purpose of God's deliverance (salvation) is for us to worship and reveal God's glory. True worship reveals a God who is beyond our comprehension.
Plays: 20818
Deliverance: From Bondage to Blessing - ExodusIsrael was in bondage to Egypt. God hears their call for deliverance and He calls Moses to lead them out. Exodus is a picture of God delivering us from the bondage of sin. Oftentimes the oppression and troubles we experience in life are God's way of showing us we need Him to deliver us.
Plays: 16157
Suffering: Faith Under Fire - JobThe Bible is God's story of the redemption of His creation. One result of the fall of man into sin is suffering. Man rarely questions the suffering of evil or bad people but almost always questions the suffering of good people. Job answers the question by pointing us to God.
Plays: 45562
God's Commitment to His People Genesis 30-50The Bible is the story of God's redemption of His creation. In Genesis we discover the reason we need redemption and God's work at accomplishing that through the call of a man named Abraham. This sermon focuses on a man named Joseph and God's providential care for him so that God could continue redemption through the nation of Israel.
Plays: 57734
In the Beginning . . . Genesis 1-11The Bible is the story of God's redemption of His creation. To understand the story you must begin in the beginning. This message is about God's creation and how man violated God's plan and came to need God's redemption.
Plays: 15022
Christmas-A Time for ReconciliationJesus Christ's birth and His life makes it possible for us to experience reconciliation not only with God but also with our fellow man.
Plays: 15707
Christmas-A Time for SalvationEveryone has times in their life when they need to be rescued. It may be financial problems, health problems, relationship problems, etc. but we need help. Everyone needs rescuing from sin. Christmas is a time to celebrate God sending His only Son to rescue us from sin.
Plays: 28424
Returning to Your First Love: Keeping It Going-Living in the SpiritWhen we have experienced revival or renewal, how do we continue to live in that spiritual state? Ephesians 5:18 gives us the key - we must live in the Spirit
Plays: 16664
Returning to Your First Love: Why Do We Need to Return?God tells us that we can lose our first love. It's something that can happen by drifting or according to Revelation's letter the the church at Ephesus we can actually leave or forsake our first love. We need to come back to the place where Jesus Christ is our first love.
Plays: 54723